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Urine Therapy Support Forum - UT
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Urine Therapy Support Forum - UT

For support related to Urine Therapy. You can share your experience, ask questions, answer question and support each other.

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En excerpt from the book :
by Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overholser

As ODD AS it may seem to "civilized" people, a number of older cultures use urine for healing. Urine has been applied topically to heal skin problems and taken orally for internal diseases. Some cultures even promote drinking urine on a regular basis as a preventive measure to maintain good health.


In 1954 a Greek physician, Dr. Evangelos D. Danopoulos, reported discovering that urine had anticancer properties. After years of research, he identified urea as the active anticancer agent in urine. Urea is the end product of protein metabolism and is the main substance excreted in the urine.

In 1974 Dr. Danopoulos published a paper on the use of urea in the treatment of basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers. (1) Initially he injected 2 to 6 ml of a 10-percent urea solution around the tumor site every other day. After about two years of experimentation he discovered that applying sterilized urea powder directly to the surface of ulcerating tumors, following the injections, increased the beneficial effects.

He also experimented with injecting 2 to 3 ml of a 50-percent urea solution directly into the mass of large, fast-growing tumors, and had encouraging results. However, he reported that injections around the tumor site remained the most effective form of treatment. (1)

Dr. Danopoulos also reported the results of oral administration of urea in the treatment of patients with liver cancer. (4) In this study eighteen patients (eight with primary tumors and ten with metastatic liver tumors) were given 2 to 2.5 gm of urea four to six times daily. Patients with more than 30 percent to 35 percent of their liver involved were not allowed to participate. With this treatment, the patients had an average survival of 26.5 months, five times greater than usually expected.

In a follow-up study, eleven patients with primary liver cancer and seventeen with metastasized liver cancer were treated with 10 to 15 gm of urea daily. Again, excellent results (25.6 months of average survival) were obtained. (2)

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