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Re: Best Olive Oil for flush??
alan Views: 4,616
Published: 23 y
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Re: Best Olive Oil for flush??

I believe that extra virgin extra light organic olive oil is the best to use, however, it is rare to find a product with all three qualities. It certainly was not in the local supermarkets which only had either regular, extra light, or extra virgin but without any combination. The health food store I checked had a better selection with organic extra virgin but it still lacked the extra light feature. On the internet I checked and was able to locate an extra virgin extra light brand but without organic quality. The best that can happen in the area anyone lives is usually finding organic extra vifgin or light regular virgin.

I had extra light virgin but it doesn't seem like a good idea anymore..I figure taht it might as well be the worst product just like regular olive oil since it is not cold pressed like extra virgin. I am now looking into extra virgin extra light as the only option. If anyone is faced with taking extra light or extra virgin, besides the taste, the virgin is better for the body as it isn't processed with great heat, less chemicals, pesticides.

I also made another dicovery at the health food store. Extra virgin olive oil may not be adequate if the most optimal brand is desired. The store offered a barrel with extra virgin oolive oil (unrefined) which was amazing. I checked some store brands in bottles and though it was extra the bottom it said "processed in Italy". Isuspect extra virgin is processed across all the bottled brands. It takes a lot to package oil and send it through large distances across the world..and remember a lot of the oil is from Italy. People likely do what they can to preserve the oil by refining and adding preservatives .. It saves them from spoilage and makes extra money but it shorthands the consumer because now the oil is secondrate, with less minerals, enzymes and the millions of other essential things. I am not taking a risk so I will just buy the (unrefined) extra virgin olive oil, though it is more expensive it is the boest. Sure light is convenient and easy to swallow but do you really want to compromise the health if the product is inferior. The best things don't taste the best, and the worst things often taste terrifc like pizza, candy etc.
Just look at the label next time at the store and make sure it says unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Beyond that, light is ok but it isn't better that extra virgin, just more palatable.


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