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Re: Enemas. Good or Bad?
Hi Scotty,
There are some advocates of natural healing that discourage enemas and colonics...often siting that they are dangerous. Although I have heard cautions about them...including the possibility of a perforated colon (usually by the medical community)...I am unaware of this ever happening. The woman who owns the wellness center where I perform
colonics has been doing
colonics for about 25 years...without one single incidence of harm or damage. Frankly, I believe if there was even a single incidence of this
colonics would be outlawed in a heartbeat! Actually, I have recently discovered that there is an increase of doctors/hospitals using colonics to prep for GI surgery...they are quicker, simpler, at least as effective and better tolerated by patients than the standard flush concoctions that most people have to drink the day before.
Mr. Burroughs is correct that a
colonic only addresses the colon...and an enema will only clear out a fraction of the colon's contents. And he is right that a
colonic requires a financial expense. my opinion,,,a
colonic is actually more beneficial than a salt water flush for a few reasons. Colonics not only clear the colon of fecal waste...they also help to hydrate the bowel, and a series of colonics will help to strengthen the bowel muscle and improve peristalsis. I frequently see people who have become so dependent on laxatives that they are unable to move their bowels without them. If they do a series of colonics and stop the laxatives, they are able to start having bowel movements on their own because the peristalsis is improved. Also, when any higher concentration of salt (epsom, sea, table) is introduced into the digestive system the body responds by drawing water into the intestines in order to dilute the salt resulting in a rapid expulsion. While this is not a problem once in a while, if done on any regular basis it can contribute to dehydration because less water is available for the body...which contributes to constipation and sets up the potential for a vicious cycle. This can also disrupt electrolyte balance.
That's my story...and I'm stickin' to it!