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Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse Gone Bad

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Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse

Epsom Salt Capsules
Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse

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Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse Gone Bad


Having a background in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, I view most of what Hulda Clark prescribes as unbalanced and potentially dangerous, particularly her liver cleanse instructions. 1. Not softening the stones before removal not good. 2. Drinking the oil juice mix ice cold not good. 3. Not removing any residual stones in the colon not good.

To illustrate my point, go to the forum by Andreas Moritz who wrote the book The Amazing Liver Cleanse and scroll down to the message titled "Question about a reaction with the liver cleanse" and read the follow up by Andmor (Andreas Moritz) here //

Also the transcript is below if you can not find it.

Subject: Question about a reaction with the liver cleanse From: Mel
Date: May 28 2003

Okay.  I have been flushing for quite some time now.  I just did my
ninth flush last night and today, and it was VERY successful. :)  BUT
here is the problem.  I suggested that my sister do the cleanse, so I
sent her all my information along with this website.  She ate no-fat
foods on Monday and started the Hulda Clark cleanse Monday night and
continued until Tuesday.  She passed approximately 120 pea size and
smaller.  She was fine until she tried to eat again.  She had this
constant burning sensation under her breastbone.  My idea was for her to
flush again, but she wouldn't.  She was nervous on this cleanse to begin

ANYWAY her pain worsened to the point that she couldn't stand it
anymore, so they took her to the emergency room on Friday.  The did all
types of scans and didn't find any stuck stones or any "visible" stones
for that matter, but they did say her liver and gallbladder were
contracting.  They said her main problem was that she has an inflamed
stomach, and the emergency doctor on hand told her that it was probably
due to the fact that some bile backed up into the stomach. (he was not
opposed to the cleanse! in fact, he had done it before, too).  Her
stomach is definitely inflamed and she is on pain pills, muscle relaxers
and antacids.  I guess my question would be:  Have you heard of this
type of a reaction?  I have tried to tell her that swallowing oil and
epsom is not going to cause this type of a reaction, but she insists
that the cleanse made her sick.  Thanks  Mel

Subject:   Re: Question about a reaction with the liver cleanse From:  
Andmor Date: May 29 2003

Der Mel,

Your sister suffered from a major episode of forceful bile regurgitation
which can lead to such symptoms described. This can happen to some
individuals who have a strong Pitta imbalance (see my book The Key to
Health and Rejuvenation , and follow incomplete
cleansing procedures.

Hulda Clark 's cleanse misses out on the all-important pre-treatment to
soften the stones and colon cleansing to prevent regurgitation of bile
and the oil mixture. She also does not advice colon cleansing after each
liver flush, which is necessary to prevent all sorts of potential
side-effects, such as bacterial infection (from trapped stones that are
loaded with poisons and bacteria). She would have fared much better had
she used the proper directions, which can be found in the book The
Amazing Liver Cleanse (also from

With kind regards, Andreas



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