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Strange discoveries...
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Published: 22 y

Strange discoveries...

Remember how I talked about the fatigue I get from eating grains? Well, I think I may have figured out WHY I get so tired.

I don't know if I mentioned before that when I eat grains --or any complex carbohydrate (legumes are worse, and anything else even more starchy or sugary the discomfort only increases) I first feel a weird achy gnawing feeling in my stomach and esophagus area. Then it spreads into a fatigue that takes over my brain (hence, the brain fog) and whole body.

Well, I try to avoid grains as long as I can, but it just isn't very convenient to eat ONLY vegetables. When I have the time to eat them (it takes a long time to eat enough vegetables to give you the energy you need) also, the money. I like fresh, organic veggies and they are expensive. Even non organic are pricey.

Okay, now let me make my point!!! Since I've noticed that taking large quantities of HCL reduces the discomfort. Today I experimented and allowed myself to take as much HCL as my body desired until my symptoms dissappeared. I only need to take it after a meal with grains in it. (Why is that???)

This morning, I actually woke up hungry so I ate four slices of toast. In order to balance out this meal, I ended up taking TWENTY FOUR Metagest (HCL) tablets!!!!

I felt GREAT after this meal with the HCL supplements in my tummy! I couldn't even BELIEVE I felt this good after eating a meal of so much grain!!!! It was a miracle.

Another strange thing about this is that I have actually had what *feels* like an appetite all day. I hardly brought a thing to eat to work cause the grociery store was closed on my way there. Normally this wouldn't have been a big deal since I don't really every experience hunger anyway. But today, my stomache felt HUNGRY!!! It wanted to EAT!!

This is so strange to me. Can a person's metabolism slow down if their stomach has stopped producing HCL???

Do you guys think that maybe my stomach isn't producing the HCL it needs because my liver is congested?

Anyway, I'm sure there are other reasons why my metabolism is slow, but I think I also may have stumbled upon one reason --knock on wood.

You know, I just remembered that my health practitioner who told me that Metagest would be really beneficial for me (which is why I am starting to use the stuff to begin with) told me that my metabolism will get better the more I flush my liver and use the metagest.

I'm still going to go easy on those grains --especially since the cost of Metagest to digest them is hard to keep up with! But it sure is an interesting discovery.

Have any of you heard about low HCL being caused by liver problems? I could see how this would exacerbate the susceptibility to parasites and bacteris. Yeeesh.

One question before I end this novel! The HCL that Hulda Clark is always referring to --where does one aquire it? She always advises to put drops of it on food. Does she sell tinctures of HCL or something? Anyone know of some potent products out there?

Once again, thanks for listening!

--Mlle. Scarlet


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