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The Education of a Colon Hydrotherapist
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The Education of a Colon Hydrotherapist


The Education of a Colon Hydrotherapist By Sheila Shea © 2003 All Rights Reserved

I spent 8 days in Vancouver BC studying Colon Hydrotherapy through Prime Pacific Health Innovations Corporation (PPHIC). Delmar Vogel is founder and president of Prime Pacific. Vogel is also the designer of the certification course and the FDA approved colon hydrotherapy equipment we used during the clinic process.

The equipment is extremely sensitive to the client having both gravity and pressure modes for inflows and outflows of water. The cleansing and filtration systems of the instrument are also state of the art and simple to operate.

So what does a colon hydrotherapist learn at what I consider to be one of the top international schools for Colon Hydrotherapy? After spending 6 days in intensive study, both lecture and clinic, I believe Prime Pacific will evolve into a leader in the field with a winning template for training first class students.

Before the course began, I received an extensive 270-page course manual in the mail to read before arriving. The manual is Part One of the course taking about 20-60 hours of pre-study depending upon my knowledge of anatomy and physiology (A&P). I assumed nothing and plowed through the entire work. Highlights of the manual are basics of A&P mainly the GI system, Colon Hydrotherapy, Indications & Contraindications, Equipment, Prevention of Disease Transmission, Digestive Diseases, and Related Alternative Therapies. The chapter on parasites of the Intestinal Tract was a big 'hit' with the students and answered the question, 'which parasites are visible to the eye during colon therapy?'

Finishing the manual amidst my busy colon therapy and social schedule was a worthy mission! I now have a great reference work to rely on for my practice in Tucson AZ.

Part Two of the course began Monday morning at 8:30 AM when eight of us checked in to register. The ensuing 6 days and 45 plus hours were split between lectures at the Boucher Naturopathic College and practical colon hydrotherapy sessions at the Happy Colon Clinic.

Boucher is a new and already expanding 4-year naturopathic college equivalent to National, Bastyr and Southwest in the US that are fully accredited with the US Department of Education. Kelly, our A&P lecturer was a 4th year ND student and senior Student Clinician at the residence clinic of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. She gave us a great journey through the GI system and answered all of our questions on and off topic! What a joy and contribution she will be to the field!

Vogel mentioned that as part of the Boucher naturopathic program, their students have to take the 6-day Colon Hydrotherapy course as part of their graduation requirements.

Clinic Practice
We had daily sessions at the Happy Colon clinic giving and receiving colon hydrotherapy. First, we received from the 2 excellent instructors. Then we launched into giving and receiving amongst ourselves. Finally, we worked on the public, dear clients of the two therapists Tinesja and Elena who volunteered for the 'mission.' The learning curve was quite high, as we had to learn the equipment as well as work sensitively with each client. Tinesja and Elena are compassionate and competent therapists who constantly shared and taught. I spent time between each of the 2 treatment rooms to learn the styles and nuances of each.

Clinical practice included insights on the care of clients and particularly new people. The key is how much each person coming in for a session can be put at ease. Initial dialogue, continuing conversations and the administration of inflows and outflows are to make the journey easy and gentle for each individual. Shifting client positions, varying length of inflows, releasing the ileo-cecal valve, suggestions for abdominal massage gave the new students many alternatives in working with clients not to mention the choice of moving between gravity and pressure mode on the colonic equipment.

Our teaching therapists work with aromatic oils, electrolytes, chlorophyll, flowers essences, diet and homeopathics with clients as indicated. For example, Vervain, Star of Bethlehem and Crap Apple are good for relaxation before colonics. Sanicula is a homeopathic for a child who is afraid of eliminating because it might hurt. Celery is good for electrolytes mainly potassium, magnesium and sodium.

During the course, we discussed various intestinal and liver detox programs. The consensus and practice of the 2 teaching therapists are cleansing programs without psyllium unless the client is well read and ready to complete all aspects of the program. Cleanses include Terry Willard's Wild Rose 12 day herbal cleanse, John Thomas - Young Again and Colo-Vada. We also took notes and received handouts of products used during the sessions that are always very helpful for one's practice.

We were also instructed in the use of draping and linens such at gowns, skirts, boxer shorts slit in back, pillow drapes and underpads. The practical things are very important in one's practice!

Two lectures given during the course relate closely to colon hydrotherapy, Lymphatic Drainage and Iridology. The light and sensitive touch of the lymphatic drainage techniques stimulate the parasympathetic or relaxation response so important for a good colonic. The movements stimulate the lymph system, a major component of the GI tract, and help it drain. It is excellent preparation for colon hydrotherapy.

Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. Each person's genetics and life habits are mapped in the iris with the stomach, small and large intestine rings surrounding the pupil. All issues radiate into the tissue from the gut.

David Chuah PhD gave us a stellar lecture on Post-mortem Examinations and Findings plus Probiotics. Chuah originally studied Biochemistry in the UK and now does cancer research. He employs energy, Chinese, herbal and practical medicine in working with clients at his Detox Centre. Chuah places great importance on use of probiotics. He cited research from Yokohama University stating that the use of probiotic reduces cholesterol levels, cleans a toxic liver and helps the sex hormones.

Sanjay, another naturopathic student, gave us a lecture on barium x-rays. What I learn from the x-rays and his handouts is the shape and pathologies of the gut and how shape and pathologies might affect elimination and gut wall health.

As an added perk, our A&P teacher, Kelly, gave us a lesson on how to take blood pressure and do muscle testing.

As the course ended, we had a final written examination that we all passed due to the great teaching and reinforcement. We had final practicals in Colon Hydrotherapy and all did well, too. Delmar nicknamed us "The Enlightened Bunch" and gave us thumbnail photos as a memento of our new status! We also received our certificates!

We had a diverse group of students and teachers from various areas and backgrounds including China, Peru, Switzerland, US, Canada and Japan! I appreciated so much the kindness, caring and concern of each teacher and student.

One of the students suffered from Chronic Fatigue (CF) and found the way into exercise through Chi Kung, the ancient Chinese system of working with energy through breath and light movement. Now this student is adding Pilates to her CF exercise routine with good results. Another benefit of the course is learning from the vast experience of each student.

Another great asset of the course is location. I arrived in Vancouver BC ready to head to the VanDusen Botanical Garden but not without chatting with those with skis in hand ready to head out to Whistler, a world class ski resort only an hour and a half from the city. I was ready! I found myself in Chinatown after the garden and met up with my friend, Micha, who has a Korean teahouse. After imbibing liberally of his special blend, we headed out for a tour of Stanley Park on a peninsula that juts into the ocean. That was at dusk. Then on to dinner along the waterfront. The last night we spent at one of the best jazz venues listening to live music and celebrating our week. I graduated and Micha did a six-day fast with 2 colon hydrotherapy sessions at the clinic, one of the volunteers for the students. On my way to the airport on the last day, I once again crossed paths with those heading to Whistler after a great snowfall in the city that weekend. The word goes out.

And the word goes out on the excellent education that current colon hydrotherapists are receiving thanks to dedicated instructors and schools. And all in a week in Vancouver with Prime Pacific Health Innovations!

Course Wisdom and Insights!
*The Aquanet equipment may be used on a moveable stand for use when one needs to pull the equipment bedside. Hospitals in the People's Republic of China are using them in hospital rooms for that purpose.

*According to Vogel, in Atlanta GA, an experienced colorectal surgeon and osteopathic doctor uses colon hydrotherapy at his clinic for colonoscopy preparation. He finds colon hydrotherapy is 70-80% effective in cleansing the colon compared with 30-40% effectiveness with the colonoscopy laxative solution. The colonics are done the day before and the morning off.

*Muscle spasm in body may cause spasm in bowel.

*Headaches result from low oxygen in the brain from bowel problems. Oil of peppermint may be given on the tongue to bring oxygen and help the bowel.

*Ulcerative Colitis always begins in the rectum and works its way up the tract.

*Liver filters blood, kidney filters water.

*Weight loss and the accumulation of fat containing toxic chemicals needs to be accompanied by detoxification to facilitate the release of toxins and take the burden off liver and kidney.

*People have memories come back with touch. The whole body contains memory cells and 50% of memory is in areas of the body other than the brain.

*60% of our blood is in the small intestines.

* The 2 most common issues that the public presents to ND's at the Boucher Residence Clinic are fatigue and digestive complaints.

*Dizziness when arising from lying down or the colonic table points to adrenal weakness. The adrenals secrete epinephrine that goes into the arteries to the brain to constrict blood vessels so heart and brain may adjust to standing.

*For Aquanet information see

Intestinal Health and Colon Hydrotherapy



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