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Re: I think that we are being misled about mucoid plaque
Lovey Views: 15,870
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 458,982

Re: I think that we are being misled about mucoid plaque

The MP starts coming out rubbery. That was the first consistency of my MP. After the second day, the MP was darker rope. Toward the end, I was getting MP that was more like tar. I also got some that was layered...some dark green with black winding all the way through it and around it...Some tar, some rubbery, some very soft and weak. BH cannot change it's properties like that.

In order for BH to be MP, it would have to sit in the same place in the intestines for a long enough period of time to reshape itself to the contours of the intestines. If it did that, it would probably do that early on....wouldn't the first BH take shape at the beginning of the intestines, move downward when you take more and then the new dose of BH would take the exact same shape at the beginning of the intestines? That would cause all of the MP to have the exact same shape...Like a MP fingerprint. I don't know about anybody else who's tried it, but all mine looked different...I even have BLOG photos to prove it.

If we were to assume that BH is going through the body and coming out masquarading as aged MP, that would only mean that it is dragging out lots of stuff that nasty tar. In that case, I disagree about the arguement that $90.00 is too much to spend to just get MP along the sides of the intestines. You really don't think that's worth it? I don't want bicycle innertupes lining in my intestines about as much as I don't want ropes stuck to my intestines...The way I see it, it's the same difference. If it makes me's worth it. Period.



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