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Ozone Cures Cancer and MANY Other Diseases!
golfegg Views: 29,966
Published: 20 y

Ozone Cures Cancer and MANY Other Diseases!

It seems at least one person doubts ozone can cure cancer in here. So I'm posting the testimonial about my wife's battle with cancer, that was posted at the "Cancer Alternatives Support Forum # 2" Sept. 29 last year here at curezone. // Don't ever doubt that ozone can cure cancer and MANY other diseases. It's the closest thing to a cure all there is!

I just want to tell the story of how my wife was cured from cancer twice.
My wife had 16 tumors throughout her body, in her intestines,
liver, and breast. All the doctors said there was nothing they could do and that she had 6-12 months. That was 3 years ago. My wife found a new experimental chemo treatment that "had a 80% cure rate". She did the chemo for 9 months and it was killing her. The doctor said her system was starting to shut down. I had been looking at alternative treatments from various sources & doing research on my own & found ozone. We didn't want to try it because of what the EPA & everyone else said about it, but since her system was starting to shut down, what did we have to lose? We drank ozonated water & breathed it while we slept every night, also did juicing and she continued with the chemo. Within 3 months she was cancer free.
Now if that isn't enough, a year and a half later when she went in for her check up to see if the cancer was still gone, they said she had two more tumors. One on the bile duct & one in her intestines again. The doctor told her they couldn't give her any more chemo & there was NOTHING they could do this time. We had slacked off on the ozone for several months so we decided to flood our bodies again. Guess what? Within 6 months the tumors were gone again. This time all we did was the ozonated water, breathing ozone & juicing. The doctor couldn't believe it & sent the tests out to 4 other doctors & they all said there was no cancer. He said they should hire me. By the way my wife is the only one out of 54 who is still alive from the group that was given that chemo. Like they say I think they play with the numbers a little. ;-)
Also I have cured athletes foot, a rash or something like that on my head, and removed age spots with ozone. (I don't go to doctors) I believe I have at least cured an enlarged prostate, (verified by doctors before I quit going to them) but probably proatste cancer with ozone & apricot seeds. (Thanks for the apricot seeds tip Ralph Moss!) My dad died from prostate cancer & I had the same symptoms though.
I just want eveyone possible to know what ozone can do. It really works! I belong to Dr. Pressman's ozone group at the Yahoo site. You can see what ozone can cure at that group. Dr. Pressman has written two books on ozone & if you would like a copy of them, I'll email them to you.
Take Care, NEVER fear cencer, and NEVER give up!


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