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Re: Itching
chuckout17 Views: 10,650
Published: 19 y
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Re: Itching

Gary, I only just read your post. I,developed an itch.Up until 46 years of age i had no itch.One night i was woken by this itch in the groin area. I got up and had a shower.Went back to bed. I was fine. Woke 2 hours later, itch returned, another shower, itch gone, back to bed, 2 hours later the itch returned. From then on it was a tottally broken sleep for 5 years.I went to the doctors and skin specialists here in australia and america when travelling.Nothing that anyone sugested helped. Sometimes the itch developed into a very bad total body itch. That was hard to take.I tried all sorts of powders, oinments, baths with various itch treatment in the water. Nothing helped but at times the itch lessened only to flair up again.You have no idea of the continual sleepless nights did to my mental health. It drove me up the wall.One day I read something about allergyies. I had a test and found i had a bad allergy to TOMATOES. I stopped eating tomatoes and after 3 days for the first time in years i slept all night. I never ate tomatoes for a month and slept well. To test ithen ate tomatoes again and 3 days later it started again. Stopped and 3 days later it was gone.Apparently before, the more i ate the more i itched. At times I ate less and the itch lessened. I now hardly eat tomatoes but if i do,in one day 1 or 2 tomatoes will not bring on any problems. There is alittle more to my story but that is the guts of it. If you had of had an email address i would have mailed you direct. You may not even see this message as your post was a few weeks ago. Maybe someone else might benefit from this .


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