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Re: SCIENCE: Dyeing to know the answer
eksangha Views: 19,870
Published: 20 y
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Re: SCIENCE: Dyeing to know the answer

Here, don't waste your time, DON'T BELIEVE ANY DOCTOR THAT TRIED TO DISAPPROVE DR. CLARK FINDING. They tried thousands of time and even take DR. CLARK on trial til this day...she needs help!!!! go to for more info.

The REAL TRUTH. My friend, Savan, 43 years old, has gallstone remove by surgery 2 years ago. He got it every one or two year. Now he never had any because he did the Liver Flush with Dr. Clark method.

It happen that he still have the original stone that was remove surgically. He sent to the lab in Mexico with the gallstone he did with Dr. Clark method.

The result came back---Both stone are from the same substance! GALLSTONE!!!

The doctor below are just a few of Dr. Clark enemies, Uneducated, Unexpert in their field, can't be compared to Dr. Clark. They profess to be the knowledgeable expert doctor, but THEY BECOME A FOOL DOCTOR. Read what they're saying....

What are the stones composed of? Is it Olive Oil?

Several sources, including the naturopathic doctors Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, claimed:

"gallstones" typically passed during the Liver Flush are not really Gallstones but simply soft complexes of mineral, olive oil and lemon juice produced within the digestive tract. (Murray M, Pizzorno J. Textbook of Natural Medicine Vol.1 and 2. Edinburgh: Harcourt Publishers, 1999.)
The Lancet, Volume 365, Number 9468 16 April 2005, published the article:
Could these be Gallstones? by Christiaan W Sies, Jim Brooker

Excerpt: "We conclude, therefore, that these green "stones" resulted from the action of gastric lipases on the simple and mixed triacylglycerols that make up olive oil, yielding long chain carboxylic acids (mainly oleic acid). This process was followed by saponification into large insoluble micelles of potassium carboxylates (lemon juice contains a high concentration of potassium) or "soap stones"."
Sounds like Science has the answer. No more unanswered questions? People skeptical to anything that comes from Hulda Clark accept this evidence as the final evidence on uselessness of liver flush.

If stones are not stones, then flush is just a placebo, just a powerful placebo.

Powerful enough to totally cure allergies? Asthma? Powerful enough to change blood cholesterol level? Powerful enough to cure cancer? Powerful enough to expel calcified gallstones? According to researchers who investigate placebo response, placebo response can not affect blood quality and cholesterol levels. Placebo can not cure cancer. Placebo can not expel calcified gallstones. Placebo never has a long term effect, it is generally a short term benefit. If an effect is a long term, then it is not a placebo, by definition.



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