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Immune System Support is More Than Washing Hands

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joegrane Views: 4,695
Published: 5 y

Immune System Support is More Than Washing Hands

I am very sad that our leaders in medicine and government are depriving the public of potentially helpful information. You just hear about washing your hands and cleaning objects, but the Chinese Coronavirus spreads very well through the air!

The corrupt officials in government and mainstream medicine don't even recommend a healthy diet! Yet you have this report of scurvy--vitamin C deficiency--on the rise and other deficiencies in the UK.

"While NHS data only shows 12 hospital admissions for scurvy for 2018/2019, there have been 5,108 admissions for deficiencies of other nutritional elements."

No one is saying any of the following is a "cure." Nor is anyone suggesting that sick people avoid medical professionals! However it is likely medical resources will be in short supply in some communities. Doesn't it make good sense to try to strengthen people in the hope that fewer people will need intensive medical care?

There are plenty of resources available from respectable organizations for those who don't want to limit themselves to just washing hands and sanitizing surfaces.

Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State U on the Immune System and also on Vitamin C's role in the Immune system.

Life Extension Magazine's Coronavirus Protocol

An association of integrative doctors called, Orthomolecular medicine. Some of the articles were written by one of their spokesmen, Andrew Saul, who was a university professor with a PhD in biology or similar.

Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19

Reports from an Orthomolecular doctor working in Wuhan, China.

"We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, full in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, qualifies as news.

Story of a baby infected with Coronavirus. Her mother had contracted the virus while pregnant.

"doctors decided not to treat the virus because she didn’t exhibit symptoms. She had no cough, no fever, and no obvious problems breathing. Within two weeks, tests showed that the baby girl had recovered fully "

Andrew Saul, PhD on his vitamin C intake every 6 minutes when he had viral pneumonia.

This is from a 1994 paper

"In one study, a mere 200 mg of vitamin C/day resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease patients. "[Hunt C et al. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-19.]

"Another recent study used this same low 200 mg dose for infants and children under five years of age, with severe pneumonia. The authors concluded that "Vitamin C is effective in reducing duration of severe pneumonia in children less than five years of age. Oxygen saturation was improved in less than one day." [Khan IM et al. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC); 2014;18(1):55-57

Andrew Cutler, PhD Chemistry on immune system support during the 2003 "SARS" coronavirus outbreak.

Dr Suzanne Humphries on how vitamin C is related to the immune system.

"Conventional medical doctors are not taught about the mechanisms of action and benefits of vitamin C in medical school.

"Today, more and more publications in peer-reviewed literature are are available. They show the necessity and benefit of ascorbate to the immune cells called macrophages and neutrophils. Without vitamin C, the immune system is paralyzed and unable to regenerate the ability to dissolve disease-causing elements in the body.

"The LD50 is a convention used to represent the lethal dose of substance for 50% of a tested population. The LD50 for ascorbate [vitamin C] is 11,900 mg/kg, for table salt 3000, acetaminophen 1944, aspirin, 200, caffeine 192 mg/kg. Think about that for a bit. Nobody would think twice before using aggressive caffeine therapy

"The ascorbate will not kill the bacteria, but it will mobilize the neutrophils and phagocytes (the immune cells that process the infection), which grind to a halt without it, because ascorbate is their fuel[28],[29].

Dr Jockers explains how Sugar competes with vitamin C for absorption by cells

Other quotes by Jockers stand out

"White blood cells need NADPH to create superoxide and other reactive oxygen species that oxidize and destroy pathogens (13). Vitamin C not only helps produce NADPH but also regulates quantities so the white blood cell does not create too much oxidative stress in its attempt to protect the body."

Quote from two-time Nobel prize recipient, Dr Linus Pauling, " Nearly all disease can be traced to a nutritional deficiency."

Information on Vitamin D and a related immune system stimulant, GcMAF (Vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor)

This is from another discussion in our group. Roughly 50% of tropical cruise passengers who tested positive for Covid-19 had little or no symptoms of the virus, a far higher percentage than found in Wuhan, China, much farther North. Might that be due to the vitamin D from sunlight while on a cruise ship in the tropics?

"The Vitamin D Binding Protein (GcMAF) is a multi-functional plasma protein, made in the liver, with many important functions. The most well known one, and the reason for its name, is the transport of vitamin D metabolites. ...Activating macrophages and actin removal are considered to be other very important roles of VDBP....In order for the VDBP to activate macrophages (thus for the GcMAF to work properly) it needs adequate amounts of vitamin D3 in the blood.

Nagalese from viruses and cancer versus GcMAF

If you are struggling to appreciate the importance of GcMAF and vitamin D, check out this video of macrophages (white blood cells) having Breast Cancer cells for lunch after being stimulated by GcMAF.

Vitamin D, GcMAF, Viruses

Hopefully you get the idea that washing your hands is not the only reasonable intervention to consider when threatened by a virus infection.


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