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Effectiveness & Mechanism Of The Acupuncture Cure Explained
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Effectiveness & Mechanism Of The Acupuncture Cure Explained

Quote [Next, this particular needle-free acupuncture for Blepharospasm -, being one of the landmark symptoms of Dystonia -, is just one of the numerous methodologies that is conclusive, definitive & foolproof enough that I am able to provide to the intended others to at least relieve themselves of the related pains & sufferings to the very minimum extent.

In the meantime, the (needle-free) acupuncture solutions for other types of dystonias, especially spasmodic torticollis - the one causing the head to rotate to one side, to pull down towards the chest,or back, or a combination of these postures  (which are definitely & relatively very much far more complicated) - Please refer to the website - ,certainly require the specific therapeutic consultancies & assistance from the related really expert acupuncturists, to at least improve the incapacitating conditions of such painful and disabling neurological disorder(s).

All in all, kindly be let known especially by the numerous intended others that the posts above, especially this one - - Botox Injections & Surgical Solutions For Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking Disorders - Are They Really Viable & Practical Cures ? - Further In-depth Explanations, are merely the curative & therapeutic experiences that I have shared so far with the numerous intended others, particularly to whom who may concern (especially the one still suffering from these serious illnesses), purely from my very own standpoints of a patient who were once suffering from these painfully incapacitating illnesses before, more than a decade ago (of which I totally recovered once-and-for-all from that point of time).

Whilst as for the (needle-free) acupuncture solutions for other types of dystonia, especially spasmodic torticollis - the one causing the head to rotate to one side, to pull down towards the chest, or back, or a combination of these postures (of which I have once also suffered from that as well more than a decade ago before I got totally cured once-and-for-all) - Please refer to the website :,

And well, that's just hope that such (needle-free) acupuncture solutions efforts, works & the related research & developments (R&D) etc. will be furthered, advanced & continued from time to time by other really expert acupuncturists & the related fully accredited acupuncture medical field personnel, so as to at least come up with something really curative & therapeutic useful to further relieve the sufferings of the numerous intended related others especially the ones still suffering from other types of dystonias -, and other bodily incapacitating neurology complications etc.] End Quote

Follow-up - Explanations / Details About The Underlying Effectiveness & Mechanisms Of The (Needle-free) Acupuncture cure For Blepharospasm / Other Dystonias

Next, in respect of (needle-free) acupuncture solutions above, well, "clearing areas of congestion" - please refer to the quotation above, that would mean dispersing and then finally & hopefully purging the dopamine-disturbing toxins / other 'contaminating agents' around the problematic nerves that causes the miscellaneous dystonic muscles twitchings, spasms, other miscellaneous abnormal bodily movements, particularly when these dystonias illnesses cannot be diagnosed, observed, detected conclusively / (at all) by MRI,CT-scans & other mainstream western medical methodologies - since no actual nerves, neurons, neurological damages, decays etc. (such as multiple sclerosis etc) are taking places in such cases of disastrously medicational side effects, such as what the numerous others with Blepharospasm who have experienced with mainstream western medical sciences before turning to this needle-free acupuncture method - to get themselves fully cured once-and-for-all in the end.

Thus, theoretically it is such that when such dopamine antagonist ( /disturbing toxins / other 'synaptic activities contaminating agents' around the problematic nerves that causes the miscellaneous dystonic muscles twitchings, spasms, other miscellaneous abnormal bodily movements, are dispersed & hopefully, purged in the end, the desired obvious curative & therapeutic results would be delivered & explicitly experienced by the ones seeking the related treatments, such as the ones in these cases :-

 - - Untold & Deliberately Concealed Disastrous Hazards & Side Effects of Dopamine Antagonist / Antipsychotics / Neuroleptics
And hence, the entire curative & therapeutic processes & procedures explained above, are definitely not magic such as what the many others might have misjudged so far.

Whilst (hopefully & potentially) additional R&D efforts - for new & further breakthroughs particularly & most importantly for the findings & discoveries of the right curative acupoints for the cure of other dystonias ( such as the discovery of this definitive, precise, highly & speedily curatively effective (& foolproof) Hegu acupoint for Blepharospasm(a minor type of dystonia - please refer to the related website) cure in this case - put in (hopefully & potentially) by other really expert acupuncturists & the related fully accredited acupuncture medical field personnel would definitely make the related curative & therapeutic processes, procedures & most importantly, results & outcomes for such (needle-free) acupuncture solutions for Blepharospasm / Other Dystonias far smoother & far more further enhanced for the ones suffering from these neurologically incapacitating illnesses.

as quoted from : - Needle-free Acupuncture cure For Blepharospasm / Other Dystonias - Summary


Full Explanation Version Of The Post Above - (Please refer to the very last post no. 181)



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