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PLEASE HELP University Student w/ Longstanding Finger Infection

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PLEASE HELP University Student w/ Longstanding Finger Infection


Please help!!! I am a university student and have been having an ongoing issue with my finger for many months (possibly a year).

It is called "felon finger" also known as "paronychia" of finger. Basically, bacteria gets trapped in the finger pad and creates a "bubble" where the immune system cannot eradicate it. The bacteria typically implicated are staph / MRSA.

So it started as a dull ache in the side of my left middle finger, and the skin looked almost like you burnt it with a clothes iron (shiny, flat). Some days it would REALLY ache. I thought I had Arthritis but didn't know how at my age (under 30).

I don't know if I just forgot about it or what but it seemed to come and go for several months, and I think I've had this literally a year (summer '17-'18) believe it or not. I finally realized something was up when it dawned on my how long I had this going on, so I began treating with essential oils and various other things. At this point the area "bubbled up" like a water blister, but much deeper inside (cannot be popped).

On one hand it does NOT look that bad, compared to other pics I've seen that are clearly puss-filled or black. I don't believe there is puss inside mine, it's more of a watery solution of bacteria. The pain has also changed to included throbbing, a hot feeling, numbness and pain that seems to be in the bone (which is scary). From all my observations, it appears that there is a bubble sack deep in the corner of the finger, about the size and shape of a Watermelon seed. If I push on it it feels "indented," and I wonder if the flesh and been eroded by the bacteria and now there is a sort of empty tunnel in the tissue.

I did go to my doctor about a month ago, and she said it was probably a paronychia but wanted to wait a month and see if it would go away (even tho I said I already had it about a year!). She also prescribed soaking my hand in very hot water (as hot as I can tolerate) several times a day to try and get blood and immune cells into the area that is infected. I've done this a few times, adding either Epsom Salt or Himalayan pink salt to the water + a few drops of "Purification" essential oil by Young Living Essential oils. But I have not done it daily as I should have. Additionally, I've tried:

-Soaking the finger in undiluted Braggs Appple Cider Vinegar
-Soaking the finger in hydrogen peroxide
-Soaking the finger in Colloidal Silver or apply cs gel
-Using a "blue" antimicrobial Acne light on the cyst 3x a day (done this a lot)
-Using YL Purification, YL Thieves, Tea Tree and Oil of Oregano essential oils, often wrapped with cotton and a salve to hold it in

Nothing has cured it people!!! I believe this is because the infection is trapped deep down inside, and anything applied topically is not reaching the source of the infection in high enough concentrations.

At this point I am desperate to try other options, before this infection reaches the bone or I am forced to get surgery on it. I am avoiding any surgical procedures because I do not do well with local anesthetics. I honestly wish they would just drain it without them, but I don't think I can convince anyone to do that even though I have a high pain tolerance and have convinced an ER doc to remove a deep splinter without lidocaine injection before (unrelated). I'm just very sensitive to drugs.

SO... do I now try taking something INTERNALLY and hope it reaches the bacteria? If so, what? I am also so desperate I'd be willing to try an electric device like a zapper, even though I know very little about them. I'd almost want to hook the two electrodes directly up to the finger if possible.

I am open to suggestions! And no, I will not take it as "medical advice," I am already under the "care" of a MD currently for this issue (she is just CLUELESS about natural options).

Thank you in advance for replies


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