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Itchy hands/arms from Bentonite clay Psyllium husk shake
  Views: 1,538
Published: 7 y

Itchy hands/arms from Bentonite clay Psyllium husk shake

Hello everybody,

I'm a 26/F after spending months researching (A lot of time on this website) I decided to start a parasite cleanse. the first 3-4 days were fine just had a bit of nose itching, bowel movements 4-6x a day and everything was fine. When I reached the 5th day I woke up in the middle of the night and my hands were so itchy almost burning/red. I bled on my hands from scratching so hard. (Keep in mind ive never had any type of eczema/skin condition/ Acne besides a red/itchy patch on my neck which I'm convinced is a fungal infection or psoriasis). After the 6th night of stopping the parasite cleanse I chose to stop. I was taking a parasite cleanse tincture that I got a health food store 2x day along with the p&B shakes every morning and evening on an empty stomach an hour before taking the tincture.

Skip to now. The hand itching isn't as bad, but its still there. my hands are dry, ashy and wrinkly looking. I put anti-itch cream that helps but I'm scared that I might have done more harm than good. I cut out meat and milk but still eat carbs which I know make me bloated and increases my anxiety. I recently started taking the p&B shakes again 1x/day at night before bed with a bunch of water. I'm having frequent bowel movements and now i'm getting small itchy bumps on my arms that almost look like whiteheads/filled with clear puss if I scratch too hard. I also have a small rash on my arm.

COuld this be a herx symptom for the p&b shakes? Mentally, I am feeling amazing but this manifested skin condition is driving me crazy. I know for sure I have candida and don't know what else to do for the itchy hands/arms.


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