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Re: Nebulizing urine
shivambuu Views: 2,763
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Re: Nebulizing urine

Hello there Shivambuuers,

So I am 4 days in. Started on Sunday and this is Thursday. I have been nebulising once a day right before bed time.

Have used 1 month old urine , and a diluted version of the 3 year old orin.

Here are some things you may experience too:
1. shortness of breathe for about 3 to 5 hours post nebulising
2. heat stemming from the lungs ( whole back was on fire)- due to aged urine
3. Mild fever and joint pain
4. noise and light sensitivity
5. Sinus headache
6. coughing and expelling phlegm ( clear, yellow, greenish, bloody)- depends on the state of your lungs
7. dry throat and some pain ( depends on the age of the orin)
8. If you do it at bedtime- know that you will not sleep well at all.- But if you work during the day, I don't think you can do it in the morning because you wouldn't be able to actually work. If you really need your sleep, then I suggest you do it at around 5,6 or 7 pm so that you go through the discomfort at those hours and not when you are in bed.
9. Healing crisis, including extreme sweating of the torso and back ( lung areas)- the last 4 days I have awoken to a drenched bed.
10. Shacking, twitchings or tremours of the entire body-
11. Heart beating strong- wont call them palpitations because I thinks its connected to the heart lung liver emotional connection ( its releasing its grievances on the lungs, and the lungs relieve its grievance on the liver.
12. So yes depending on your on the causes of your sadness you will feel anger, old stuff will resurface.

1. I practice yoga breathing throughout those 3- 5 hours (breathe in through nose , out through mouth, keep arms above shoulders to allow the lungs to expand more)
2. keep movements to a minimum
3. Drink loads of liquids in particular Neem leaf tea to help the body clean the blood ( in the lungs)/ or drink ginger honey and lemon tea to help soothe
4. No air co- that really is bad news. it closes up the alveoli , making breathing more difficult
5. Lay flat ( remove the pillow if you are in bed)- helps with breathing
6.Do yoga before nebulising to really open up the chest/ and there is also Yoga for lungs
7. Lung emotions, heart emotions , liver emotions--> find a way to deal...not suppress but actually deal with it.

Yesterday, I was really able to go deep in the lungs. I felt them fill up with the air of the nebuliser all the way down to the middle lobe and interior lobe on the left side, the right side only allowed till the middle lobe.

My issue is the pleura and interior lung section are inflamed or congested, dirty or have supressed emotions:
So I took pictures of my lower lung reflex zones in my sclera yesterday lunch time. What I noticed was a lot of what was inflamed before ( red veins in the sclera and inflammation) was now turning to shades of soft pink ( healing signs in sclerology).

But last night, I used a slightly stronger orin solution, and today those reflex zones are slightly redder, but the inflammation is not as bad as before. I think its just the 3 year old orin's potency. And of course healing crisis is present.

I want to make this clear, even if you use 2week old urine, there will be discomfort. The older the urine, the more pain you will experience. Fresh urine can only moisturise, but it does not heal as well as aged urine. So grit your teeth and do it. No excuses!!!

How long will I do this for?
Until my lungs have regenerated. In Iridology you will see that damaged lungs tend to have lacunes in the reflex points. It represents degeneration of the tissue due to toxins etc. Once your body starts to heal the lacunes close up, giving your iris a smooth surface.

That's what I am going for. So it may take a month or more, but thats the commitment.

Lung emotion:
-by now you know that your lungs hold sadness and grief/ depression. So whatever is heavy in your heart will affect your lungs, who will then affect the liver. Whatever it is that you still hold in your heart ( hate,cruelty, betrayal)- childhood trauma, breakups, deceptions etc--> it all goes to the lungs ( how you have internatlised things) and you will feel those things again during this period. When you don't deal with it, it will go to your liver- and you will experience anger.

So I suggest Milk Thistle during this period, because you want to deal with the anger, you want to detox yourself of it so that it doesn't come back to the lungs.

Deal with your emotions, write down what you are feeling or record it, forgive yourself, forgive those who trespassed against you...let go. It wont happen in a day,but you need to be conscious of letting go of things...and stay away from those people. Don't engage...

Rewrite the story in your mind, or better yet, make a plan of how you will remedy the situations. Otherwise, do not engage!!! People tend to deflects their bad actions and blame you for what they have done.

Things to avoid:
1. Strong smells ( artificial: perfumes, cleaning agents etc)
2. Incense
3. stressful people
4.TV or Music that perpetuate sadness, anger, loss...etc

Good luck with your healing.

Please note that I am sharing all of this, because there is absolutely nothing on this process online anywhere. So I am doing this for those of you who are brave enough to take this journey. Its not easy, I find myself wanting to google about nebulising with urine and how it works, and what you'll feel and there is no support. So this is the support I can provide.
You will heal, you will be renewed, you will flourish. Trust!

The discomfort is only temporary. Remember you were breathing urine for 9 months while in utero. Your body remembers what to do, the stem cells in your orin will rebuild you.


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