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Re: Nebulizing urine
shivambuu Views: 2,788
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Re: Nebulizing urine

Thank you for sharing.

I have just tried nubilising with aged urine today. Man did I expel some mucus, but that came with absolute pain all over my lungs , trachea and sinuses. It knocked me out for the entire day. Whatever I did there was pain. The orin I used was over 3 years old, and that tends to really burn the mucus lining.

I will try using urine aged for one month or a week next, and will use the 3 year old orin in the weekend and in a diluted form (mix with 3 day old urine). Fermented urine is always more potent than fresh, in my opinion.

I only use fresh to clean the sinus cavities with the nety pot, eyes and drinking. I now drink two/three day old urine mixed with coconut water in the morning after drinking the first morning flow, and drink urine all day, and only wash my body and hair with aged urine mixed with essential oils ( lemongrass, sweet orange , tea tree oil, etc.)

This is not a negative review, I just wanted to share that you will undergo a healing crisis due to the aged urine's potency if you use ultra aged orin.

How long that crisis lasts I do not know.
This morning I couldn't stand light, noises or smells. My joints still hurt, but the phleming has stopped. The lungs still hurt and my sinuses are slightly upset, fever still present.
This means the immune system is working.

I suggest building up to super strong orin, if you will do this long term. Aged urine knocked me out!!! but i feel a bit less congested.

But that said I am going to keep at it and hopefully reverse damage I created because of smoking the good old herb. My pleura is inflamed because of this daily practice.I love the herb now I am going o make butters instead (coconut oil).

1. started with the nose piece (nostril application) and 3 day old orin for the sinuses. My eustachian tube is blocked and my right ear is popping all the time. I also had my ears cleaned via ear candle a day before. I want to heal the tube with shivambu.
-time= 15-20 minutes

2. used the mouth piece with 3 year old orin. researching on youtube I found out that the mouth piece works directly on all three lung sections.
-time=10 minutes max
I felt the aged urine working after about 3 minutes. by 10 mins I had had enough.

Breathing deep or talking were painful as phlem was coming out of the lungs and the uber aged orin burned my mucus lining, you feel it in the back of the throat...a need to clear it and you cough a lot.(wet cough)
laying flat on the floor(on top of yoga mat) belly up or belly down was the most comfy position for me.

Standing, sitting up or walking =pain

I suggest you do this early in the morning so that your stomach is empty. Although you are aiming for the lungs your trachea, tonsils, thyroid and parathyroid and stomach will benefit from it too. It cleaned out my bowels too.

Dreading feeling like this again though, if I were of a weaker constitution I would have said "i give up" this hurts., but its worth it in the long run and aged orin is known for really being potent and causing pain and immediate healing crisis even when you drink it.

Thats because it works!!!
So don't try to quell the crisis, ride it out.
Ginger lemon and honey tea for emotional support, and fresh urine to help soothe the throat.
And rest ,rest, rest!!!
Keep your back flat on the floor and have a bucket near to spit out the phlegm coming from the lungs. That way you don't have to move a lot.

At one point laid I naked belly down in my garden to give the lungs heat from the sun. 10 minutes about, then headed to bed. Only woke up at 19:30, and i did the nubiliser at about 10 :00 am. Went to sleep at about 11:20.( sleep helps deal with the pain, it was 3 year old orin after all!)

I will update my journey when I can, in hopes of reaching others out there, who also have this brilliant idea.( don't use 3 year old orin without diluting it)- lesson learned!!!!

I swear, I saw the nubiliser at the pharmacy, and the first thing that came to mind was...I'm going to use it with urine.
I bought a cheap one, nothing extravagant, so don't break the bank acquiring one.
Before I used to do steam baths with heated aged orin, never had the results i had today.
Slightly hardened weak yellow mucus came out. I could feel my lungs expelling it out, with the steam I only got a running nose.(also good, means sinuses are draining)

Ok Shivambuuers, wishing you a beautiful journey back to health.
I know this is a bit long, but since there is scarcity of information about this procedure I thought it best to be detailed about my experience.

Please note, there may not be pain for you, so don't get discouraged. I used over 3 year old urine. When i used the 3 day old urine there was no pain (and there was very little mucus coming out) so the difference is in the ammonia present in the aged orin.

Thank you for reading .
and thank you to the person that started this thread and the third who had a great insight.



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