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Re: NAC and Methylcobalamin
TheWonder92 Views: 3,940
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Re: NAC and Methylcobalamin

I'm not really sure what your issue is Joe, you'd figure with the benefits you've gotten from chelation you'd have some peace of mind, but you're one of the most aggressive and ignorant people I've ever met. You didn't respond to anything I said. You just kept shrugging it off.

Telling me I can't read because I said cutler doesn't agree with MTHFR being an issue.

Let's see if you can read this.

"So stop being distracted by all this SNP/methylation blockage nonsense. It's keeping a lot of people from getting better.

The SNP's tested for are normal wild type variants that have been studied extensively and have little if any clinical significance.

The 'mutations,' which are actually completely normal alleles (an allele is a specific version of a gene) do not block the methylation cycle. If they did, anyone with them would be dead. They never would have been born. A blocked methylation cycle is essential for life.

Because the methylation cycle is obligatory for life, it doesn't make a lot of difference what form of folic acid you take, and really with B-12 all that matters is the dosage equivalent of the different forms (methylcobalamin being the most effective).

The methylation cycle has absolutely nothing to do with chelation or the metabolism of any of the chelators.

All the (large number) of people I've run across who were told their methylation cycle was blocked so they couldn't use 'sulfur chelators' who actually did try sulfur chelators did just fine on them on a proper cheation protocol and got a lot better. Of course the ones who believed it didn't chelate and are still as sick as they've always been, going up and down, bouncing from crisis to crisis and 'cure' to 'cure,' then suddenly having something else bad set them back. Really they just need to chelate and have no hope of lasting improvement until they do.

Some people are prone to getting agitated (and thus getting themselves in trouble) if they take too much B-12 and or folic acid. If you don't have this problem you can take lots of them, in any form, if you want. They won't hurt anything. So don't let me talk you of that - I don't want to. I'll just point oiut the regular stuff is way cheaper than the 'magic pixie dust.'

Also, if you want to squander your money testing for this stuff, feel free. The test can't hurt you. It's only the bad decisions you might make by someone misinterpreting the test that can hurt you. Once you realize there is no result for the 'methylation' tests or the Genova 'detoxigenomics profile' that rules out chelation you'll be fine. Test all you want, take whatever B vitamins you want, and chelate. Then you'll get better.

If you actually want to get better, chelate. And do it properly. It doesn't matter what your methylation genes are, you can chelate just fine. Just do it. Get on with it.


This is andy saying directly that forms of b12 and folate don't matter. That SNPS are trivial and a waste of time. And that methylation will in no way assist with chelation.


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