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Problems after flush; kidneys?
Aerose91 Views: 2,039
Published: 8 y

Problems after flush; kidneys?

Hey all

about a month ago i did my 22nd Liver Flush and it was by far my most successful. However, since then I've had a new set of symptoms i think may be connected to my kidneys.

I got really dehydrated during it so drank a ton of water and juices the next few days and was fine. However, i had a newfound sensitivity to light and my (already existing) dissociation got noticably worse. This hasn't subsided at all. I did Hulda Clark 's kidney tea and it didn't help these things.
Recently, i tried adding some pink salt to my water and very quickly i felt a slight reduction in symptoms and it was accompanied by a mild flu feeling. I kept doing this over the next couple days and sometimes it would make things a little better, sometimes a little worse. I've been playing around with different amounts of sodium and potassium but can't seem to get it right.
Does this speak to an underlying kidney problem i caused from getting too dehydrated during that flush? It's a little concerning to me that it hasn't regulated itself. I've done more Liver Flushes since then and if anything, they only make it worse. Any thoughts?

Thanks for the help-


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