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Thoughts on Hemorrhoid Causes, Cures and Prevention
glaxony Views: 2,816
Published: 9 y

Thoughts on Hemorrhoid Causes, Cures and Prevention

Piles run in my family, on both sides, and I believe they are caused in part by pinworms drilling holes in the butt hole veins and weakening the tissue. I also think the worms have a way of changing the chemistry of rectums and constipating people, so you won't poop out their eggs. Combine all that with a low-fiber high-fat and otherwise bad diet... well your ass whole does't have a prayer of chance to feel good, function properly or be healthy.

They started early with me~ in my late 20's, because I was in the habit of only having a bowel movement every 4-5 days. That is what happens when your mother tries to potty train you too early by spanking you over and over. You rebel and refuse to shit at all, period, until you cannot hold it any longer. Kids who get in the habit of holding it for as long as they can are more prone to catching pinworms, and they provide a fertile living environment for the kind of pinworms that like to keep people constipated because constipation is the name of their favorite condo. At least that is my hypothesis.

Which comes first, the colony or the constipation? I would bet on the constipation. But the family also probably has worms waiting to infect it's new members with startup pinworm cities. I cannot count the number of times I have given a massage and seen tiny little white egg-looking things that are smaller than the head of a pin, sticking to the the butt cracks of massage recipients. It is horrifying, given what I know. Seems people are blowing eggs out of their asses with their farts or something. I have got to find a new job. But so far nothing else has even come close to paying the equivalent.

I am not going to stretch so far as to say pinworms are controlling the hosts and making them spend money on massages in order to create the opportunity to colonize new territory. But it is an interesting proposition, given how mites that live in the belly of ants will make the ants exhibit unusual behaviors, thusly enabling the mites to continue their life cycles in the belly of cows. Something similar happens to rats when they are infected by a parasite too.

The book parasite Rex is worth reading. Many diseases are sexually transmitted, and the compelling desire for multiple partners is probably parasite driven, especially given how proud some men are of how much money they have spent on escorts. Yet they claim it is cheaper than having a wife, and the sex is a whole lot better. Oops I got off track. My point is that people are doing things because there are parasites controlling them. And some of them are very proud of their nasty disgusting disease causing indulgences. It is truly bizarre.

Anyways I popped out of the hatch into a pinworm infected family, and had a really bad case of hemorrhoids before I was 30. I delayed surgery for ten years by freezing ice cycles in those little long skinny balloons and inserted them in my anal sphincter. Pinworms are apparently very temperature dependent because it seemed to help a lot. It also reduced the swelling.

But only so much can be done with ice therapy. By the time I was 40 I was looking for a doctor who could help me. A gay friend of mine gave me the number of a man who takes care to make sure your butt hole stays pretty. That was important to me, so I went to see him. He said that he could put me in the hospital and do the job under anesthesia and it would cost $20K.

I explained that I had no health insurance and very little savings. He said he could do it in the office for a whole lot less, but most people won't allow him to do it that way. I asked him how much. He wanted to know if I was paying by cash or check. I said "Cash!" He said, "$300!" I dropped my pants, bent over the examining table, he gave me a shot in my ass, and cut the miserable painful vein out. A few years later I got another one. After having it removed too, I reasoned that I wouldn't have very many butt veins left if I kept getting them cut off one-by-one for the rest of my life. So I became very serious about studying the cause and looking for a cure.

I increased my fiber exponentially and that helped some. I started doing enemas instead of suffering from constipation when the fiber wasn't working. But none of that stopped the itching sensation in my ass hole. And neither did the pinworm medicine from the pharmacy. But if I squatted over a mirror to have a look at the irritated butt hole vein it looked to me like there was a pinworm wiggling around in the vein. And I could feel it stinging and biting me too. So I became convinced there was a pinworm causing the butt vein to get irritated and protrude and hurt. I became obsessed with getting the pinworm out of my butt vein. I have been on this quest for 20 years now. The longest I have gone without feeling a worm in my ass was six months. And what a glorious six months that was. But the itch came back, as it always will, until the whole human race gets on board with an effective eradication program and stops passing passing pinworms around to each other. The darn eggs float around in the air for Satan's sake.

Getting rid of them and keeping them gone requires due diligence. I have done enemas with strong garlic tea, Clarkia , diluted iodine, and tried everything else I can think of that might help. Most of it does. Sometimes I get to go 2-3 weeks without being bothered by those evil hole drilling butt worms. I will not walk around with my butt itching. I do something about it the minute I can feel that one has hatched. And I resent the people who do nothing about it because the cost of rent is so high you nearly have to have a house mate these days. And just by shaking hands with people who are determined to endure, you can get an egg on your hand. Door knobs in bathrooms are scary. I will not touch a bathroom door knob without a paper towel in my hand, unless all they have is blow dryers.

In a pinch, if I am out of Clarkia , I will score a clove of garlic, and insert it in my anal sphincter. It always makes the itching stop. I would not do this if I had a fissure, however. I would order the fissure formula from Amoils and heal up the fissure first. But I use the blue varicose vein formula from Earth Angel Oils, because it is cheaper than Amoils hemorrhoid formulas. But it smells the same and works the same. So I put a few drop of it on my anal sphincter, coat it over with VVasoline, then I put a few more drops in an empty gel cap, and insert it in my butt hole. I let it marinate the veins in my butt for as long as I can, but it usually makes me poop pretty quick. Then I put in another capsule with a few more drops. I can usually retain it longer. It doesn't hurt to rub a drop or two into the bottom of your feet either.

I have also inserted capsules of neem, Clarkia , hemorrhoid formula from Amoils, and home made coconut oil suppositories made with a variety of vermifuge essential oils. It all works. They all stop the worms from biting my ass and I haven't had another hemorrhoid get really big and need to be removed since I began doing this. I still get some itching and a little bit of bleeding once in a while, but just as soon as it starts, I up the butt with some garlic or whatever I have on hand and drive those pesky worms away from my anal sphincter. Is it just a coincidence that keeping the pinworms from biting my butt hole has prevented me from getting another big old hurting hemorrhoid? I think not.

Maybe all hemorrhoids are not caused by pinworms. Take note. Does your butt itch more at certain times of the month than others? Is it near the full moon? Hormones and moon cycles are related.

I have also taken ivermectin because the side effects listed didn't mention liver problems like the pinworm medicine for humans from the pharmacy. I am trying to protect my liver, so I ordered ivermectin for horses. Why does it not surprise me that there are less side effects for animals than humans? And why won't doctors prescribe ivermectin for humans? A doctor once gave me three albendazoles. It wasn't even enough to stop the itching for more than a few hours. The pharmacist told her that was all I needed. When I take things orally for pinworms, whether it be clarkia or garlic or pin X or ivermectin my stomach growls and the intense butt hole itching and drilling gets very weak and mild. The most ivermectin I have ever taken is the dose recommended for a 300 pound animal, and I weigh 100. I am tempted to try taking enough for a 500 pound animal as I've never had any bad side effects from a 300 pound dose. But I think clarkia and garlic work just about the same. If you believe in pharmaceutical magic, I started with a 100 pound dose and worked my way up.

But I've never been able to take enough by mouth to completely eradicate the butt itch for good regardless of how often I change the sheets or wash my hands. For me it helps the most to take the medicine directly to the source. Doing that completely stops the itching for several hours, until I have a bowel movement. And applying medicine at the source over and over several times per day will completely stop the itch for a few days, sometimes even a week.

Perhaps you are wondering if I am just driving them further up into my body temporarily. I am concerned about it too, and that is why I also take garlic and clarkia orally. All I know for sure is that going after pinworms and refusing to let them gnaw on my ass seems to have really diminished my hemorrhoid problems significantly. But I haven't figured out how to completely keep the pinworms from reinfecting me. Even if I get a lower paying job and suffer in poverty, I get them. Hopefully they will go away for good when I die and go to heaven.

I am no scientist, but I can't help wondering why the doctors won't give everybody enough dewormer to get rid of worms, and why the stuff they sell at the pharmacy for humans causes liver damage and doesn't work. If I were paranoid, I would suspect it is because the AMA likes to do hemorrhoid surgery and treat small cell "cancer" with chemotherapy after it's too late. Hopefully the unfolding of events only lends itself as evidence to support Conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, I was told that I have one of the lowest eosinophil levels the doctor had ever seen for a person of my age. She said they don't even begin to treat parasites until a person's eosinophil level is much higher than mine. And my ass whole was itching when I went in and ask for the test.

Despite the fact that I have a lower parasite load for my age than anybody the doctor had ever seen, people are afraid to shake my hand because I go around preaching the truth and trying to get people to stop giving their worms to me. All I can say is that a life of solitude is not so bad. And I don't want to shake the hand of anybody who isn't just as diligent as I am about keeping their parasite load minimal.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I will mix things like clarkia or varicose vein essential oils with a drop of DMSO and rub it on my anal sphincter as I heard DMSO will carry the medicine into the skin. And the species of worm torturing me lives inside the vein. But don't put too much DMSO on your butt hole because it will make it sore. All you need is about 1 drop of DMSO per 3-4 drops of essential oils. It works great to stop that itching that is coming from the inside the vein. One thing I have never done is inject ivermectin or clarkia. But I am tempted. I wish I could find a nurse to put an IV of it directly in my butt vein.

I wouldn't even resent having to buy Obamacare nearly as much if it included monthly deworming treatments because I believe a whole lot of costly diseases that make the price of medical care sky high could be eliminated with preventive health care like this.


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