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My experience with the Beck protocol...
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My experience with the Beck protocol...

I explored a bunch of healing methodology on my way to health. One of those was Dr. Bob Beck.

He was an astrophysicist who heard about an experiment where the researchers had discovered that elasticity killed the HIV virus in a petri dish. I don't recall why that caught his interest but it did.

He tried to contact the researchers about it, but they insisted they never did that research. I guess that sounded fishy to Dr. Beck, and he began investigating HIV for himself. He ended up creating a healing protocol that used a Blood purifier, an electromagnetic pulser and ozone maker, if I recall correctly.

I read his work, found it interesting, tried bits and pieces of it, and found some helped, some not so much, and some I never tried at all, as Dr. Clark's protocol became my go-to for healing.

He however never addressed parasites, and he had no access to something like a sycrometer.

So the part that worked, like magic really, was the electromagnetic pulser. It kills bacteria and virus miraculously well. It takes quite a bit of moving around if the area is big, like the liver, but it's worth it. It works almost instantly, better than herbs by a good couple hours.

My step daughter, a chronic strep throat sufferer (every 6 months or so, it'd flare up) finally tried the pulser, under protest, and didn't even use it the full 20 min cycle. By the time she stopped (less than 15 mins), she was rather wide eyed. She said it wasn't hurting much at all, obviously not the normal progression of things.

The next day, she showed up for work, perky as usual, and said she cancelled her Dr.'s appointment and the strep seemed completely gone. 5 or so years later, at a family thing, she made a point of telling me, thanks for pushing her to use the pulser, because, not only did it stop it that time, she never got strep again. Not even a regular sore throat.

A friend show up one day with a painful sinus infection saying she was thinking of going to the doc for some Antibiotics because this had been hanging around for nearly two weeks. I had my pulser right there, and told her to try pulsing for a bit. She was a bit skeptical, but went ahead.

She only did about 15 mins too, but the pain started easing. And she headed home. Apparently about 20 mins out, her sinuses started clearing in such a huge rush, that she'd had to pull over to deal with it. By the next day her sinuses were just a bit snuffly and gone completely by the next day. She hasn't had another sinus problem since (going on 3 years). I'm pretty sure the pulser is to blame. :)

So, the pulser A+++. The blood purifier, I got one. I used it for about 3 weeks, and didn't notice much improvement (it was to kill any pathogens in the blood), but ended up with those electrical burns as the penny zapper gave me and they made using the device unpleasant after a while because I had to try and situate the electrodes without hitting the burns (stings and hurts a lot), but it kept making burns in the new places too. In the end the burns made it too difficult to continue. I'm pretty sure I was using it properly, checking both instructions and online type sources, so I just went back to zapping and herbs.

I never got an ozone maker, so can't speak about that at all. So I didn't do the full protocol.

I just added the Beck electromagnetic pulser to my tool box. It's worth the side trip into Beck's work. :) I firmly believe you need to address parasites to be rid of any infection like HIV.

What Dr. Clark found was the HIV virus was actually the parasite's virus. If it transferred over to the human host, it became AIDs. So if you're healthy, the virus stays in the worm, but let your immune system falter, and over it hops to you.


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