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The Ebola cure
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The Ebola cure

****** 3 EBOLA CURES SO FAR ******
***CURE #1*** Ozone Therapy
Okay, here's the first Ebola cure that we knew of - It's the Rowen - Robins Ozone Ebola cure. It has shown the ability to cure the patient within about 2 days. It is a type of IV Oxygen Therapy that was developed by Dr. Rowen and Dr. Robins. Both of these doctors went to Sierra Leone at the request of the president of Sierra Leone. After arriving there, these two doctors trained approximately 50 doctors on the use of this therapy. They were never allowed to treat patients with it though because the minister of health in Sierra Leone stopped their ability to treat anyone.

Shortly after Dr. Rowen had returned to the US, Dr. Kanneh of Hastings Ebola Center, whom Dr. Rowen had trained, accidentally jabbed himself with an Ebola infected needle on Friday the 14th of November, 2014 and on Sunday the 16th began showing symptoms of Ebola; high fever, loss of appetite, abdominal distress, and significant fatigue, and the symptoms were rapidly progressing, classic signs of Ebola. The following day, Monday November 17th, he began the treatment of Ozone Therapy which he had learned from Dr. Rowen, and which was administered by another doctor, Dr. Kojo Carew. By Tuesday November 18th all the symptoms were gone.

Not long after, Dr. M'Briwa tested positive for Ebola and so contacted... (I'll let Dr. Rowen tell the story now, via his Facebook page):

"Dear Friends of Captain Mbriwa, I am Dr. Rowen, MD of California, USA. Several weeks ago, Dr. Howard Robins and I came to Sierra Leone to bring a promising therapy for Ebola, which costs next to nothing compared to ZMAPP. I met your incredible doctor at Hastings Ebola center. There I had expected to commence ozone treatments on Ebola patients but was thwarted by your Health Ministry. I admittedly became enraged at the thought of the personnel at the center being denied the protection of this totally safe and promising therapy. And I was greatly concerned for the lives of the 60% of those infected who were doomed to die, even with the best of care.

The people we trained were able to get to Dr. Salia, who most respectfully declined ozone therapy, opting for ZMAPP/ convalescent serum and/or the most advanced conventional therapies available. He was transported to my country and died 3 days later.

In the meantime, a Hastings doctor jabbed himself with an Ebola infected needle. I had trained him in the ozone technique. He wasted no time in contacting Dr. Kojo Carew and received ozone immediately. He did develop a fever and significant abdominal distress on the third day, which quickly and completely vanished with ozone therapy. Now, ozone therapy has fortunately been made available to the courageous Dr. Mbriwa. It appears he has responded wonderfully.

ZMAPP may be useful, but will make bazillions of dollars for the drug company. Ozone cannot be patented, costs less than 1 USD per treatment, and is 100% safe. It is available RIGHT now in Sierra Leone and could be immediately used to save many other lives. I cannot help but encourage all of you to press your health ministry to open the doors for ozone use in Hastings. Ozone has been used continuously in medicine for nearly a century. It does not make money for Pharma, and hence, it is totally ignored, to your detriment. I cannot help but think that the interests of BIG MONEY is controlling the Ebola response in your country, not the interests of your ravaged people.

It is my prayer that the benefit Captain Mbriwa receives from ozone therapy will translate into many saved lives and the end to the Ebola problem in your country. Then I can return with Dr. Robins and physically shake the hands of every wonderful African person we met, inclusive of your fine President, Ernest Bai Koroma.

We don't think that you have to wait (while your people die) for the arrival of expensive and experimental substances when you have the ultimate immune support and viral killer in your midst - ozone therapy. Your national hero Kojo Carew, MD is now fully trained in its use and has the materials and equipment to save many, many lives, not only from Ebola but also many other infections."

***CURE #2*** Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (CLO2/CDS/CDH)
The next Ebola cure that we know of (and it also cures malaria in just 1 day) is another oxidation therapy which uses chlorine dioxide to denature the protein envelope of the Ebola virus. It's known as Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to many but it's just a solution of 22.4% sodium chlorite in water which is activated with a mild acid to produce the chlorine dioxide. After the activation of the sodium chlorite to produce the chlorine dioxide, water is added and it's taken orally as a drink in most cases. So far it has been reported that 21 people have been cured of Ebola using this method.

It's not surprising that it would be so effective against Ebola because we know that it must enter the blood after being consumed since it's so effective against malaria; a parasitic disease of the blood and liver.

According to Jim Humble, the man who originally discovered the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide against malaria, and who established a non-religious church of health and healing to protect himself and others from the attack of those who stand to lose fortunes if word of this malaria and Ebola cure get out, Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (or chlorine dioxide) definitely cures Ebola.

Is it safe? Well according to Jim Humble, hundreds of thousands of people, including children, have used MMS over the last 20 or so years and not one person has died of taking it. To the contrary, it has helped to cure hundreds of diseases due to it's ability to inactivate viruses, bacteria and some parasites (like malaria) in and on the human body.

Is it expensive? Absolutely not - to cure malaria the material cost is under 10 cents per person and the material cost to cure Ebola is pretty close to the same.

By the way, my wife and I have been using MMS or chlorine dioxide for about 7 years now and we have probably saved over a couple of thousand dollars in medical costs because of it.

Here's a video showing how it cured 154 malaria patients - unfortunately the Red Cross (who can easily be seen all over the video) denied their involvement in this field trial. Makes you wonder where their heart is doesn't it.

***Cure #3*** Ozone Water!
Another Ebola cure. Are you ready for this? Ozone water! That's right, according to Jeff McNamara, the Hastings Treatment Center has the highest and fastest cure rate and it's because the "Solo Doctor" there, Dr. Kanneh, is giving his patients OZONE WATER. Amazing that it could be this simple. Ebola is extremely susceptible to OXIDATIO


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