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My ultimate treasure collection
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My ultimate treasure collection

For skeptics I want to say: being knowingly ignorant doesn't change the fact that your body, too, is full of everything I'm going to show here. Hold on of your beliefs or be open and heal. Thanks.

I want to emphasize this: sick people are not just full of gunk, but made of it. Think about it. Bones can be brown/yellow/black, glands can be deformed and discolored. But there's always that code left for perfect health, despite ones situation.

If you look back in history, let's say only few decades, you'll find that people needed only few good things to get better. Find out what Bernard Jensen and other traditional healers have done to their patients. You'll quickly understand that those people healed much faster and with less work than we do.

The game has changed since then. Now health has to be hardcore-lifestyle or otherwise, reaper will reach you. Full-time work actually. We get out things that those traditional healers never came across. And no known traditional method can cure them - even if they all were combined. They help, but these new man-made diseases are faster and in most cases, develop resistance to everything. It wouldn't help if you lived tube in your butt 24/7 and took Miracle-Mineral-Supplement orally at the same time, those new creatures know where to hide and multiply safely. They make people different both mentally and physically, and separate them from their Real Self. So they are different persons.

Those creatures are called "planimals" and "biofilm". Planimal is living GMO-based pesticide that secretes hormones to keep itself alive from body's defensive mechanisms. It collects partly digested fecal matter (and causes that poor digestion by shutting liver's functions down). Biofilm is symbiotic growth between parasites and their own bacteria / viruses, slime, mold, yeast and heavy metals, that those things use as an armour. Both these cause wide range of symptoms and make people very sick.

When you combine these high-tech diseases with mucoid plaque, parasites and liver crap - you have no idea what life should be. Every moment is just surviving and filled with brain-fog, pain and bad mood.

Long story short, I'm going to show, in somewhat chronological order, what I've got out to this day. High-tech things are still there, but at least, I'm free from huge toxic load. So let's begin.


Stickiest mucus I've ever seen. This and two next pictures are from the same "batch". They came out with just raw food, I didn't know anything about cleansing back then.


Beautiful colors, but odor from deepest hell.


I wonder if these are the bubblegums and sticky candies I've swallowed as child? Consistency of truck tire.


Piece of worm.


Tar-like piece of toxic mucus.


Nest consisting metres of greenish-grey worm and parasite eggs. This was my first impressive result. I used Oxypowder and it worked. Inspired by it, I really started to do my homework and cleanse my body. This and four following pictures are from the same "batch" (or should I say, catch).


Yeast balls.


Hooded reaperman, same grey thin worm and lot of eggs.


Black-green mass, everything in the pic was connected.


Egg-rope and grey worm one more time.


Results of my first successful liver flush. I felt good after that.


Some older stones sliced. Note that thin worm between stones (after that, I've seen many worms inside liver/gallstones).


Cholesterol stones.


Not so old stones, but these just began my process.


Coagulated bile mass, came out a day after energy healing session. That was a concrete proof of power of mind for me. My liver didn't produce any bile, that was the best it could do then.


This and three next pictures are my first mucoid plaque ropes. It felt great to get them out.


More slimy mucoid plaque with some eggs.


Notice the stripes that are made by parasites in bowel wall.


Older, drier piece of MP.


Toilet full of crusty, old yeast pieces and some liver fluke skins.


This came with liver gunk. I should have tried my fishing luck with it.


Some slime with pieces of fecal impactions. Again, notice the imprint left by parasites.


My first bigger stones.


Beautiful selection. The biggest one had black liquid inside (very old bile, you know the saying of black bile..). Notice how many stones are covered with slime.


Nest full of yeast, slime and who knows what.


Looks like ropeworms food storage and/or MP.


I pooped my brains out. Maybe that is the reason why I'm uploading this stuff to internet.


Look at it's head - tongue, eyes and all - couldn't look more like a snake! Beautiful piece of old MP.


Few slimy fecal impactions.


Orange goo from gallbladder.


Rock-hard cholesterol stone.


Some older stones.


These things are pretty interesting. They are slimier than a bar of soap. parasite nests. Take a look at next picture, where these are opened..


..and be suprised. Full of hard, round eggs and worms.


Some cholesterol stones.


Mucoid plaque.


Cluster of stones inside slime, opened in next picture.


The same.


Stone coated with slime.


Nothing amazing in this pic.


Mucus and cluster of stones inside slime.


Piece of worm.


Strangest nest I've ever seen. Notice the red, hard rope going through the whole thing.


Ropeworms nutrition balls, slimier than soap, plus some biofilm.


A great add to my stone-collection. Notice those black specks that are super-destructive bacteria from parasites. I have seen that phenomena a lot.


Stones & slime.


A pear? Nope.. just pear-shaped fecal stone coated with very thick mucus and some yeast balls - notice the alien face in one of them. Coincidence? There's no such a thing..


Coolest parasite nest I've ever came across. I didn't eat any beet to get those beautiful shades of red.


From the same catch than previous one. Full of odd things like orange cones and knots (?!?). Arrow is pointing to destructive bacteria.


Stones with parasite.


USO - Unidentified Swimming Object. I quess that white line has something to do with its nervous system.


Black stuff from liver.


Better out than in. Foam can be either cholesterol crystals or liquefied yeast.


Few bigger stones.


Mucoid plaque. Notice the stripes left by parasites.


Good catch.


Not bad flush.


I'm getting tired to this uploading..


MMS has been the only solution which has helped me to get these biofilms out. They smell quite gross.


Once I wasn't feeling good before going to sleep so I decided to put zapper on sole of my foot. I slept fine and found these beautiful colors on zapper plates next morning. Beautiful poisons indeed.


This was one insane herpes / other kind of viral breakout. It was third time when this shit decided to come out (of course, after I really started to cleanse my body). I hope that was the last one. Itching was so intense that I couldn't do anything - no sleep for 3 days, couldn't make any food etc. Only thing that helped was coffee enema (besides, I used ozonated olive oil and ionized acid water to blisters with no help). I did few in middle of the night and got huge relief.. lol good memories.


Serrapeptase helped to get these worms out of my liver. Nasty smell reminded me from my childhood when I vomited this kind of things out.


Sticky slime.


Ah, there goes my kidney. No wonder why my body is not working properly. Texture is just the same. Just joking, but this is pretty strange stuff.


Big mama.


Some soap for skeptics. No ES taken that time.


Results of my last flush.


Just soap. Take the blue bill..


Okay, I hope you have enjoyed the ride! I know some people will think like "what a sick moron" but hey, I don't care. Fortunately, most people here are not like that.

Get that crap out and start to Live. That's my advice. I'll later write update here and give some of my tips for faster detox.



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