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Old Member--Back & Cured of Exfoliative Cheilitis
ab11746 Views: 8,588
Published: 11 y

Old Member--Back & Cured of Exfoliative Cheilitis

Hello Guys,

I have been battling EC since 2009ish. Go and search for my username ab11747 or ab11746 and you will see. I was diagnosed with EC back in high school (11th/12th grade) and I now I am a senior in college....My lips are cured...And heres what I mean by cured:

Full elasticity of lips
Lips don't turn white when in contact with water
The top "triangle" is still there, and peels here and there.
Minor inflammation

These are my lips now


This is how my lips use to be

I did not trim anything off, I didn't no anything to make them look better for the photo. I just took the picture. I actually didn't even think I was going to be writing this today...But for some reason, idk why, I decided to do this

I actually cured since I started college in 2011. Once I got cured, I left the forum. It was selfish of me I know. But I wanted to get away and forget about this part of my life. It was hell. I am sorry, I did that. But I am here today to help

I am happy, healthy, I am doing great in school, I have a girlfriend, and I am planning to go to dental school next year. I want you guys to get your lives back, like I did because I know how troubling, stressful this condition is. I will share with my guys my "treatment"

I maintain a VERY good oral hygiene.

I brush my teeth 2x a day, and I change my toothbrush every 2 months or so.

I have started using a different tooth paste that my dad got for me in India. Its called "Dant Kanti"...Its an all natural toothpaste, free from any harsh chemicals that are commonly used in commercial/mainstream toothpastes

I use a "Proxy Brush" to floss my teeth. When I first started using the proxy brush, my gums would bleed a lot. The blood would be think, slimy, and lacey. But now my gums don't bleed. Nice and healthy.

For mouth wash I use "Biotene (the blue bottle)''...This idea I got from the forum actually back in 2011

After brushing/flossing/mouth washing I use "Bag Balm" to moisturize my lips. I do twice a the morning and at night.

I have changed my shampoo/conditioner/body wash. I use a all organic, free of harsh chemical products. The brand I use is called "Renpure"...They make different kinds, with different smells...but the general idea...NO CHEMICALS

This is my daily routine. I wake up, brush, floss, mouth wash, shower...My top "triangle" still peels, but once I pat my lips dry after showering, I am back to normal

I know for a fact that these harsh chemicals irritate my lips. For example, when I would shave, and apply shaving cream my lips would swell IMMEDIATELY. I no longer shave with a razor. Instead I use an "Andis Trimmer" which means no shaving cream...

I love to cook. I shop exclusively at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. I buy 80% organic. Again, get away from the chemical/processed/canned/frozen foods.
The meats I buy, organic, fresh from the butcher. My bread is fresh from the bakery. Fruits/vegetables fresh...Nothing canned nothing frozen

Now don't take me as a health nut. I eat out frequently. I love chick fil a, chipotle I drink beer/wine (not excessively 1 or 2 drink a week?)...minimize the exposure to processed foods

Most importantly I drink a lot of water. Minimum 4 pints a day. One pint when I wake up and one pint before bed, and through out the day in-between. When I go to restaurants I drink water 97% of the times.
NO MORE SODA NO MORE ARTIFICIAL SUGARS...The only juices I buy are 100% Fresh Squeezed OJ from Traders Joes, or 100% Apple Juice...Look at the ingredients...Stay away from all the processed shit that these companies put in our food.
This is the blog I use for my culinary inspiration...

I believe EC stems from poor oral hygiene in conjunction with poor diet and exposure of harsh chemicals that America loves to use in every damn product...If you will look at the trends/theme of my "treatment" you can see that I one thing. Staying away from chemicals and leaning towards natural products (more or less).

Everything I use can be found at Target...The only thing I see you guys having trouble finding in the toothpaste. But no worries, after a quick google search...Amazon has it for $7.

Here the list:
1) Dant Kanti Toothpaste
2) Bag Balm
3) Renpure shampoo/condition/body wash
4) Biotene (comes in a green and blue bottle, I have ONLY used the blue one)
5) Proxabrush
6) Andis Trimmer
8) Trader Joes/Whole Foods.


I wish you guys a speedy recover, stay strong, and most importantly stay positive---"you get what you omit"as my sister would say.

I will be checking this forum once/twice a day to answer yalls questions.





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