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Re: Best Meds for Liver Fluke?
username7414 Views: 7,197
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Re: Best Meds for Liver Fluke?

Ughh... I read that a lot about the candida... how stuff stops working and it comes back with a vengeance. I had no idea I had so much until the albendazole killed off massive amounts.. I've been off meds for a while and I'm still seeing the stringy things. I don't know if its left over die off or continued die off or what. I'm sort of afraid that I opened Pandora's box now with the candida.
The stuff you describe is how a lot of people describe the flukes... they seem to be almost common... icu's protocols are designed to hammer out the most severe infections and as long as you have no pre-existing liver conditions, shouldn't do any harm. The die off varies a lot.. some get it instantly and some get it days later. Just be prepared for the "wtf" effect when you go to the bathroom.
Have you ever done a liver/gall bladder cleanse/flush? That might be a good idea to do first to see if that makes you feel better or less congested and might free up your liver to help with die off. Even if you don't have a heavy parasite load, the meds some how seem to kill off the candida and unknown stuff. I wish there were better studies done to explain how it affects the body's eco system as a whole.
Besides still seeing the yeast, I feel as if the last round of meds (doing icu's protocol) cleared up more than just the parasite infection. Like it balanced my body some how. I can't explain how, but it knocked out stuff like allergies and asthma I had since I was a kid and hormonal Acne on my chin that I'd get once a month. The little annoying stuff that you just accept as unknown cause. Now I just have to keep up with a decent diet.


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