11 y
Exfoliative cheilitis and dating/romance/sex
Has anyone managed to date with this condition? I got this when I was in college from licking, biting, picking, exfoliating my lips repeatedly. I actually got a girlfriend who was, in many ways, below my standards. I had to tell her about the condition and she stayed w/ me despite it. We broke up when I graduated college and had to face the world. I have not been able to date since then. Although I was always considered handsome and found it pretty easy to meet girls, my confidence is shot with this condition. I can't even eat and drink like a normal person, and my lips look horrible for most of the day--even after forcing the skin off. I honestly don't see why a woman would even want to date me. I've had this condition for several years and have tried most of the cures on here w/o success. I'm beginning to think that I am doomed to spend the rest of my--already gloomy--days w/o female companionship. Obviously, I could hire a hooker, but I have never done that and would never--I recoil at the thought. I saw an older woman (50ish) at the gym once and I could tell that she had the same condition. I was actually thinking about talking to here despite the fact that society would have ridiculed me for dating here because of the age difference (and, I suppose, difference in attractiveness). I am so lonely and lovelorn that I have vaguely dreamed of creating a singles website for people w/ this condition. I don't have the time, resources, or skills to do that and question whether it would even generate interest. Although more people have this condition that people know, it's an uncommon and stigmatizing condition. Also, from what I can gather, the women w/ the condition seem to be able to find love easier than men. This doesn't surprise me considering that a lot of men, at bottom, are in it for the sex.
So, to make a long story short, I just want to know what your dating experiences w/ this condition have been and, if you can't date, how you deal with the loneliness. Thanks.