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Fees-seeking Psychiatrist & Their Fees-paying Patients – Everyone Has All the Undisputed Rights & Responsibilities On Any Grounds to Safeguard the Best Possible Interests of Their Personal Heath Cares & Well-beings
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Fees-seeking Psychiatrist & Their Fees-paying Patients – Everyone Has All the Undisputed Rights & Responsibilities On Any Grounds to Safeguard the Best Possible Interests of Their Personal Heath Cares & Well-beings

Generally and objectively, the psychiatric patients invariably all would have their individual needs for psychiatric treatments in the first place for a variety of related reasons such as stress etc., and thus, that just lead them to seeking professional psychiatric treatments, or else, such individuals wouldn’t have been seen or deemed as psychiatric patients at all if such a need for professional psychiatric treatments obviously, generally and objectively simply do not arise or exist at all.

Next, since getting & seeking psychiatric treatments invariably involves paying medical fees, then the medical-fees-paying psychiatric patients seeking psychiatric treatments, are reasonably & naturally entitled to the best possible desired & expected treatments & outcomes from the related duly licensed & certified psychiatric treatments whilst the duly licensed & certified psychiatrists themselves at the same time also by their very occupational professional ethics & personal medical consciences, are also obligated, especially given that they are paid, to ensure that the conditions of the ones they treat and attend to just get better and better from time to time rather than from bad to worse, then of course the related medical-fees-paying psychiatric patients thus have all the rights either on medical-fees-paying ground or simply for the sake of personal health cares and well-beings, to determine or to switch to other much better duly licensed & certified psychiatrists that are able to serve them better so as to be able to deliver much better curative & therapeutic outcomes to these patients that in turn at least meet their curative & therapeutic needs and purposes in line with the medical fees they pay.

Whilst as far as psychiatric medications are concerned, well, given the very undisputed fact that since most of them are of dopamine antagonist nature (
) with a variety of simply inevitable serious side effects ( //
), there thus have been in fact a great variety of other far better medications with greater curative effects and far lesser harmful side effects getting invented from time to time nowadays by the modern medical Science in order to overcome this problem. Thus, please refer to: //

- Additional Information About Modern And Outdated Neurological-related Medications

And as such, in the case whereby any duly licensed & certified psychiatrists, maybe for personal self-serving profit-making reasons just simply insist to dispense totally outdated psychiatric medications which are far cheaper and “cost-effective” but nevertheless inherent with all the dangerous side effects (
)compared to the later or latest ones to their medical-fees-paying psychiatric patients seeking psychiatric treatments, in a way that totally disregards the health cares, medical well-beings & welfares of their medical-fees-paying patients, then of course the related medical-fees-paying patients, thus have all the rights to refuse to get treated in such a perilous way, so as maybe to switch to other duly licensed & certified psychiatrists who are able and are conscientious enough to take good care them, and in this case in terms of medication usage.

In short, the medical-fees-paying psychiatric patients seeking psychiatric treatments naturally & reasonably do have all the rights to refuse and reject any types of psychiatric medicine usage especially when the intakes of the specific medicines are obviously, potentially or simply proven to be perilous to their health conditions such as one of the many examples mentioned above.

Next, in terms of treatment methods, well, since psychiatric treatments undisputedly involved psychotherapy as well apart from medications alone, whilst different types of non-medication psychotherapy treatment undeniably applies to different fees-paying individuals seeking professional psychiatric treatments given their respectively different temperaments, characters, traits, personalities etc. that simply vary from one another, then of course the medical-fees-paying psychiatric patients seeking professional psychiatric treatments certainly do have all the rights to choose and to switch to other fees-receiving duly licensed & certified psychiatrists who are able to deliver much better, in this case, professional medication-and-psychotherapy treatment methods and cures that best suit , neatly-tailored to the specific curative and therapeutic needs of these fees-paying psychiatric patients simply for the sake of the respectively & individually different needs of their healthcare, medical welfare and well-beings based on the medical fees they pay.

And it is especially true when the related treatment methods administered by the fees-receiving duly licensed & certified psychiatrists simply could not work out anything satisfactory or positive at all to the fees-paying psychiatric patients.

All in all, it’s all about the breadth of the medical expertise, prowess, ingenuity, skillfulness, resourcefulness and medical consciences, ethical & all other professional issues, or in short, how useful & conscientious these fees-receiving duly licensed & certified psychiatrists really are in practically treating and genuinely & progressively improving the psychiatric conditions of the fees-paying psychiatric patients seeking psychiatric treatments from them that would eventually matter afterall.


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