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Re: More Information On GcMAF Vaccine/ This is really Exciting. Permanent Remission Via Immune Activation

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patientadvocate Views: 5,345
Published: 13 y
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Re: More Information On GcMAF Vaccine/ This is really Exciting. Permanent Remission Via Immune Activation

Thank you for adding additional data to this proclaimed in the our title it seems too good to be true.

The intriguing thing about this therapy is that it allows for tagging of cancer cells something that most vaccines do not do. This happens at the Macrophage level.

The other thing intriguing is that the research appears to explain the relationship and why cancer patients so often have low vitamin D, the clinical application of this vaccine it was noted that stage IV cancers would take a year to respond....well...who has that kind of time if they have stage IV. That would involved alot of money and time stage IV patients do not have. Hence we posted the note that this is preferred in earlier stage or lower tumor loads.

So, the biochemstry appears sound and as with all research can be mischaracterized and in fact a report last year raised alarming questions on the sanctioned research done right here in the USA by big pharma. So who do you believe anymore? I have seen NJAM mischaracterized so many findings involving natural therapies that I do not and refuse to buy into all that they write.

The things that NJAM does put faith into? Chemotherapy and Radiation they eagerly report tumor shrinkage as if that is the end all and be all of cancer treamtents.

The footnotes to this treatment are this:

It is less effective in higher tumor burdens. As stated.

It is not effective if you do not test possitve for the specific gene. As stated and is why we see some patients did not respond.

It is not effective if your cancer does not use nagalase to inactivate macrophages.

Should not be used as primary or sole therapy ever.

The other footnotes that should be noted are:

Long term remissions have been documented and chronicalled.
Who sees this and how often in malignancies? Very rare and we still can't confirm long term immunity to your cancer although it makes sense one your cancer is tagged.

Comments upon other remarks:

Double blind aspect of studies are inhumane and placebo affect is a very little consequence when someone who is suppose to die from their disease goes into long term remission. Discounting a therapy based upon a double blind need is nothing that I personally pay attention too nor do many participants on this forum as many treatments here do not conform to such... Most natural therapies are tested in groups and do not use placebo trials.

Does a person have cancer or not...did their outcomes far excede the outcomes of tradition patients or not. How much stuff on this website has double blind studies with respect to cancer? So this comment is curious.

So there are some hormone dependant cancers it will not work for and is why, as we stated, two specific labs are required before deciding to try this stimulating co factor. If you have Nagalase possitive and VDR2 possitive genes this therapy should be looked at and considered and I would buy it for myself if I had stage III that met these criteria.

I also like to caution on using the word "cure" as I feel no cancer is cured and is in remission...and this is the safest way to look at cancer so we don't buy into this word and so we dont let our guards down when there is no evidence of disease. Any website using the word cure...any article using the word cure automatically raises a red flag with me right off the bat. As it should you>

As we pursue this inforation and gather more data on it we appreciate anything anyone has to offer any further information on this treatment. However, looking at the biomechanics, the immune biology, the theory, it is all sound, so far, and for years we have looked for a vaccine that would tag the cancer which most do not, with the exception of viral, bacterial tagging vaccines.

So, not to misrepresent this therapy...there are specific conditions for which it is used as highlighted above and should not be represented as a cure for all cancers. I totally agree.

I still think the technology is exciting...and as for New England Journal and Big pharma backed research, i do not put a whole lotta faith in determining treatment options based upon politcally influenced, corporate controlled information. They have trashed everything this site stands using them as a basis to discount any natural therapy is a curious endeavor.

If that were true, much of what is being recommended here on this website should not be given consideration whatsoever as modern medicine consistently defames and discredits most things Alternative or Natural. Medical journals do not recognize many natural does that mean we have to no longer come to this site and seek information and input because a therapy here is not in NJAM? Curioius.

Anyway, we will be looking for actual patients who have gone through this treatment and looking for additional information, still sifting throught some of the stuff posted on this thread.

Thank you Diquixote for your feedback and is always appreciated.

Stay tuned.

Bret Peirce
American Cancer Advocates

ps. We have one client undergoing this therapy and will start on tuesday...we will track her Nagalase levels as recommended and see if they come down and see if her vitamin d raises. We will be doing bi weekly monocyte counts on her.


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