child with recurring staph infection
Hello, my youngest child is 28 months old, not vaccinated.
His nutrition is quite poor, as he just eats apples, carrots, kefir, bread and a little vegetable broth. He refuses to taste new foods and often does not eat at all, that is why I still nurse him on demand.
Since he was 14 months old he's been having a staph skin infection (bullous impetigo) that seems top resolve after a few days and then flares up after 1 or 2 months. The lesions are quite painful and extremely contagious; he also gets tired, nauseous and pale during the flare-ups.
We have tried several medicated ointments with no results, so we learned to treat the lesions with Zinc Oxide powder until the immune system is able to heal them. The zinc oxide keeps the lesions from oozing, dries them, and makes them heal quickly.
It is now the 8th occurrence of bullous impetigo in about 14 months, and I am afraid that the infection has become systemic. Tomorrow I will see his pediatrician who told me on the phone that this kind of infection has to be treated with oral or endovenous
Antibiotics .
I am quite worried as none of my children ever took
Antibiotics .... I am afraid to further weaken his immune system by administering
Antibiotics to him, but I wonder if I have any choice. . Please offer advice and/or insights.