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Re: Circumcision and human rights. No, he's not your property. Yes he's human.
  Views: 3,556
Published: 14 y
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Re: Circumcision and human rights. No, he's not your property. Yes he's human.

Yes, these trolls inflame and agitate people without any content in their posts. You have to ignore them. They win if they push your buttons (that's their only goal) and we go down to their level if we try to justify ourselves.

Keep posting your amazing truth and it will help many people who will never post here, but will find it today, tomorrow and years from now by googling circumcision or mutilation.

You're brave, kind and generous to take your time and share in here. Thank You!

If anyone comes in here to debate, like Tiki, than debate with them, but ignore the flamers, and your posts will stand on their own.

Peaceful thoughts and love.




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