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What came first the chicken or the egg?
Buckeyegirl Views: 3,704
Published: 22 y

What came first the chicken or the egg?

I feel like I have been cleansing for an eternity....what came first the candida or the parasites, or are they both caused by an overloaded system, or was it the mercury (which I had removed in July). Everything you read has a different view. Should I do the candida diet, if I do that, it's hard on my liver and gallbladder, which are not up to par. If I do veggies and fruits, the candida or parasites have a field day. My question, can you get rid of candida if your liver is overloaded, being that you aren't digesting well? I did my first liver cleanse last Thursday, and got some stones out, not alot to write home, however I know the process takes time. Right now, I am just trying to control the candida, while I work on the parasites, kidneys and liver. Whew! It's a full time job. I was looking at Dr. Christopher's products....when do you know when you should be detoxing, and when it's time to nourish? I will try the cleanse again in a week. All I know is that I tried the body ecology diet for 5 months, not one piece of Sugar or fruit for that matter touched these lips, I felt great for the first 3 months then I went over the edge. I ended up really getting myself in a pickle, losing 30lbs and weighng 95lbs. I looked like the walking death and as a bonus became intolerant to everything except green beans. I lived on green beans and baby food for 6 weeks. Sorry for the rambling message......have most of you battled through all of these? Is the liver/gallbladder and parasites the real answer (Besides good diet, good attitude, mercury out)? Thanks for listening?



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