16 y
Re: Yay-YAHOOEY! Spilling some beans....
Well, I've done 2 months of IF 1 and 2, that was about 2 months ago. Feeling crampy off and on the whole time. I understand that is a normal and healthly reaction. Also during that time, I did 6 weeks of cayenne and garlic *raw garlic*. WOW! what a stinking mess. But it works. I saw some smaller bits of black, at that time, and yes, it was stink city. Some nausea was a problem during that time. That was probably die-off. CE's have also played a part of my weekly routine during these past few months. I use them anywhere between 4-8 times, each week. It's great to know they assist my liver in the tough job of metabolizing. And I can tell now, when I need to do one. (I guess it's that Doc within thing).
I do not have a juicer yet, but I do fast from meats each Wed and Fri. And having just come out of Lent, well that was a 40 day fast from meat. It all helps in some tiny way. Just imagine, if I could have/would have, been juice fasting during that time and now, how much more good results, I know I would be seeing.
I understand how hard it is for my body to digest meat for that reason, I just don't enjoy eating allot of that stuff anymore. I can see, how all of the past years of abuse has affected me. Water, RO or distilled is the only type that I drink. And allot of it. I need to be drinking lots, during all of this
parasite killin. Oh, yeah, and tomorrow I will be finishing a 30 day stint of humaworm, great stuff. I know I will use it again, and suggest its use to my family.
Well that's enough for now. Hope it helps someone. my best to all who read this, momo