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Please read! Gall bladder problem not solved Desparate
Rachel Views: 3,015
Published: 23 y

Please read! Gall bladder problem not solved Desparate

I've done 9 Liver Cleanses so far and I'm so worried that I'll never get my digestion back in order again. I had my gall bladder out last September but still have the same indigestion symptoms. Burping alot, gassiness, jaundice, and some pain- but mostly just lots of indigestion. I feel my problem is Gallstones because I've passed so many large even 1-2 inch stones. My doctor says my gall bladder was bad but insists that since he took it out, that I'm cured now.
I fear since my bile duct is always blocked that the new bile will not flow through and then will form new stones and I'll never get rid of all of them. I just really need to know if anyone has ever- or knows of anyone that has gotten complete relief of their gallbladder/ Gallstones indigestion symptoms from doing Liver Cleanses and if so how long did it take. Was the relief gradual or sudden? What should I expect? Please help. I really need encouragement. Every day is a battle for me.


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