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Issues of Medical Ethics In Less Developed Nations
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Issues of Medical Ethics In Less Developed Nations

Issues of Medical Ethics In Less Developed Nations

In the context of such modern nations as U.S and other developed European nations whereby most of the medical personnel are subject to the strict professional protocol especially in terms of dispensing the medications with potential disastrous side effects to their patients, the medical welfare of this group of people would be greatly ensured in such a case.

Unfortunately, I am just simply one of the many victims of gross negligence of the so-called licensed medical specialists of a less-developed country who care about nothing but the medical fees that I would pay to them in return for such problematic and defective drugs regardless of any bodily damages that these medications have inflicted upon me as visible and readily observable by these group of unethical medical professionals each time I pay regular visits to their practices for 'regular supplies' of such problematic medications.

Next, when such group of related patients in my home country start to have doubts about the disastrous side effects of the antipsychotic medications dispensed regularily to them and actually question the related 'medical experts' about such issues, invariably almost all of these 'professionals' will try to shirk their responsibilities by keeping them in the dark by saying directly 'I don't know what has exactly happened to you as I'm just a psychiatrist and not an eye doctor, chiropractic doctor etc' and they would then refer the related patients to other medical specialists of other fields who would in turn give other misleading diagnosis about their actual neurological / neuromuscular sicknesses to these poor patients (even when those problematic medications are presented face-to-face directly to them in their own practices). All in all, there seems to be a 'tacit conspiracy' between these medical personnel in my home country to work against the medical welfare of these poor patients and to put it bluntly, they are just paying these doctors for those seemingly 'logical and plausible lies' about the actual medical conditions they are having exactly. Next, to further worsen such a pathetic situation, my home country tends to become a 'dumping ground' all the while for decades for the outdated medications with greater unwanted side effects from such modern nations as U.S and other advanced European countries.

Frankly speaking, as a part-time social worker working for the welfare of these poor group of people and a former victim myself who has suffered painfully like them, I hope that by airing these facts and my views through the internet, such a saddening scenario will be exposed to more and more benevolent individuals and such an exploitation would come to an end one day. Thank you.


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