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Who can help me beatdown colitis?
joeblow781 Views: 16,702
Published: 17 y

Who can help me beatdown colitis?

I have colitis. I am 17 and I am too young for this shit (literally lol). I've had it for about a year. I have never stopped having diahria since. It's the most painful thing to go to the bathroom. I go at least 10 times a day. Western medicine has only made it worse...i used to only go about 6 times. I am experimenting with foods to see what makes it better. I take probiotics and fish oil regularly. I would say it helps but only slightly. Sometimes i get bowel movements with lots of blood, some times no blood all in the same day. I have always had an active colon. but not like this...normal for me should be 1-2 bowl movements per day. I have always eaten healthy despite my teenage peers gulp down fast food and alcohol and all that crap and they are fine. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I eat healthy, i am one of the most athletic people you will ever meet. I was going on my senior year of high school where i would play my final season of basketball in high school and I would have ended up with a scholarship to a college to play ball but of course colitis stopped me from all of this and now I don't go to school. My point is i am a happy, extremely driven, never depressed, outgoing, athletic and extremely active person. Why does this happen to me? I have been keeping my spirits up the whole time though. Ive gone to hell and back but i still will sit back and laugh at it all because i know i'll get better but the question is when and how? If anyone has ideas, feedback, anything they'd like to share...i am all ears. I need to get along with life, this is %¤#&!§-.


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