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chelation with amalgams
rudenski Views: 10,179
Published: 19 y

chelation with amalgams

I have run up against a brick wall with chelation. I have a mouth full of Amalgam fillings and as I take stronger amounts of chelating substances, I notice perceptable amount brain fog plus a noticeable amount of anti-social behavior. I have perfect health otherwise as I have made dietary changes that help me avoid unhealthy physical ailments so I am also somewhat reluctant to chealting heavy metals for the possibility to upset my bodies perfect immune system. I want to improve my social interactions on the interpersonal level trhough chelatiion but not at the risk of debilatating my immune system. I can't measure the reduction of mercury because a pre-chelation hair test did not measure a noticeable amount of mercury I have in my body. I know this form of mineral testing is not always accurate for those with mercury and lead trapped between the blood barrrier and inside of the brain. I believe mercury and lead may very well be trapped in my brain. I would report my findings elsewhere but I have no proof. It is just intuition and my intuition is not always correct(my child support payments should be proof enough that my intuition is not a fine tuned instrument).

When I begin the process of removing my amalgams, use chelating foods like cilantro and other chelators, use a thyroid blocker like potasium Iodide to give the mercury a signal that it is unwanted. If you have any ideas or reservations about chelation and I have several, please feel free to post your ideas and reservations here and let's discuss chealtion in an open way. I hope this can become an open discussion about the risks and advantage of chelating heavy metals.


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