Please note:
The troll previously known by username 'legna' is also now using, and has used in past posts, the username 'Germ Theory Is a Lie'.
Please note: this troll has used the same verbiage & carries the same flavored footprint of vial negativity as had legna used in her past posts, example is below (extensive use of the term, 'breeder', 'breeders' & 'breeding'):
"Coward NPC zombies be like: 'this world is run by satan who resides under japan, everything is poisoned, nothing is affordable, this world is worse than hell'
Same coward NPC zombies 5 seconds later be like: 'we are expecting triplets and planning 19 more to have two full soccer team... these *Preventionists are so reckless, selfish, hateful and troll like...'
*Preventionists are the only true/real moral, ethical, loving, responsible, compassionate, noble humans on earth since they are preventing THE ROOT cause of ALL evil and problems by abstaining from forcing the root cause into existence via breeding like unconscious wild animals/beast/NPCs/zombies/bots in the first place: humans.
The world is not evil, breeders and prospective breeder ARE, since they are the spark that starts the creation of evil and problems.
You can thank a breeder for ALL the evil, problems and everything wrong in this world." [Blue-green emphasis is mine.] -- Link
It seems as though she likes to target Barefoot & his forum. Like I suggested previously, if you can grant Ask Barefoot Herbali moderator privileges, he could instantly take care of the problem himself. He's been around for eons, and he does have a vested interest in keeping his forum clean of harassment by this individual, as well as others who have the ugly desire to do the same.
Just trying help, here - turiya
P.S. I see from observing, that Barefoot may already have moderating privileges.
If so, then please disregard.
Well, with regard to the so-called 'Curezone Troll', at least s/he is doing the right thing in coming to this Curezone site, because it is obvious to anyone that reads any of the messages that this individual has posted, the person has some mental issues to unravel.
Venting is a healthy thing to do for the one that is pent up with so much tension due to self-created frustrations. Venting the garbage out is a good thing, but reading such garbage can be detrimental to the reader.
From what another member has written at an earlier time, it was mentioned that Barefoot, a.k.a. MH 108 8, does not have moderator privileges. So, the best way to deal w/ this issue is to allow Barefoot / MH 108 8 moderator privileges. That way, the 'Troll' can vent out the poison that has accummulated within her subconsious (which is most healthy thing to do), and the toxic post can be eliminated by Barefoot before the poison of the post is ingested / read by other visitors to the forum where it is posted.
Curezone is about finding alternative ways to find physical & mental health & well-being. Also, there is a freedom of speech issue (at least in U.S. America), which means, to allow one to express opinions without censorship.
So, the person obviously needs help. At the very least, one can allow for the venting to occur, but also allow others not to be influenced or subjected to the negativity that the posts contain. Give Barefoot moderator privileges & you will find that the person will eventually go quietly disappear off into the sunset on her own. And, if the 'Troll' doesn't respond positively, then s/he can be blocked from posting again. Period.
Allowing the person to vent is compassion. Eventually, the individual may come clean enough to the point whereby s/he begins to look at, to examine herself more closely. When one begins to re-examine themselves at a deeper level & how they relate to others, it is the beginning on a path back to a healthy state of being.
One has to be allowed to cathart the poison out. That is the first step to be taken - to clean out the repeated toxic thoughts, as thinking such thoughts over & over to oneself has become a habit - a bad habit for oneself. Re-examing oneself, that one is responsible for their own well-being & nobody else, which is the next step to be taken.
If the person truly wants to enjoy living a life, then they have to be allowed to come to a point of being more responsible for their own well-being. For becoming more mature, for becoming more aware that they are responsible for their own happiness. One needs to come to that understanding on their own. If one can come to understand that on their own, it means much much more to them, rather than being told by others.
Just a suggestion.
With all due respect, I hear ya, MH 108.
Like I said, legna spewing out her poison - it is good for her to throw it out & empty herself of it, but its not good for those who read such bottom-of-the-barrel crapola. This is the reason why psychologists & psychiatrists have the highest rate of suicide. Their job is to listen to other peoples' garbage without taking the necessary precautions & care to keep themselves protected from unconsciously ingesting the crap. In the same way, for others to read legna's dark crap it is like eating someone else's vomit. Others can also become dis-eased by reading what she's written. Good for the one getting the poison out, but not good for others taking the poison in, by way of reading it.
Obviously, as it is for most trolls, she is living in her self-created nightmare. She is not happy & finds herself living a miserable life. And typically, for those that live in such misery, they want to share it with others, for others to wallow in the mud with her. Misery wants company, as the saying goes. Dis-eased & in self-induced pain. Psychological pain. Her own mind tortures her. And she thinks to blame others for it. The blame game. Others are responsible. But not her.
I am only writing here & now, because I sense that she will eventually come to find what is written here, and read it for herself.
She has freely chosen to live her life in this way - to live her life wallowing in her own self-created sludge. She has self-hypnotized herself into believing that this is how life has been & will always be. Anybody & everybody has the potential possibility to decide to make a change for themselves & come out of it. Its a simple choice to make - either be responsible or not, create positively or create more negativity. It is as simple as that. Choose to move up higher or choose to move down lower. To live life as a victim, or grow up & be more responsible for yourself, to make different choices for yourself.
When Curezone created The Turiya Files forum, they gave me moderator privileges. Some time ago, legna showed up there spewing her vomit. I decided to give her a 'One-Strike' policy, she was instantly banned. Hence, the end of legna's nonsense for me & The Turiya Files forum. She can still access & benefit from reading anything that I post there, she is just not allowed access to participate & post there, ever. Period. I feel she could fix her own life situation if she really wanted to. Totally up to her.
If the Webmaster comes to read any of what is written here, I think that giving Barefoot, & others that have forums here, moderating privileges, it would be the simplest way to take care of most all of the problems that arise here - from trolls & advertizers that come here to drop their trash & advertising links that add to the clutter that accumulates over time. It would save yourself a lot work in trying to keep the Curezone website clean, if you did so.
Cheers & All Be Well.
Webmaster wrote: "Legna has been banned from CUREZONE."
Well done & thank you.
I am sure you are aware that Legna could return...
...under a different username,
....using a different computer,
....from a different IP address.
There is also the likelihood that there are plenty of other Legna-like clones that are out there, a lot more. -- Just saying.
Germ Theory is a Lie wrote:
"I am on a Toshiba laptop using Ubuntu but I also tried on Windows.
I am using Firefox and Chromium.
So basically when I click for example on 'Ask Barefoot Herbalist' forum, it enters the forum and I see the latest 7 posts BUT when I go on the bottom of the page to click on 'first' or 'prev', it just reloads the same page with the latest 7 posts."
Germ Theory,
I use a Windows 7.
At times in the recent past, I would occasionally experience what you have described >>> whereby, in trying to get to a previous page, it would remain on the same page. I would then try clicking again, and it would then successfully move to the previous page.
So, just try a repeat click, or other clicks & see if that works for you. These days the Curezone website is working extemely well, at least it is for me.
Anyways, hope this helps - cheers.
There is also another way to get to MH 108 8's past posts [archived] and that is to click on his username on any of the posts listed on the present page you have access to.
Here is the link that is embedded in the above username:
Give it a try & see it it works for you.
It should take you to the first page of previous posts by MH 108 8 that looks like the following:
Webmaster wrote:
"CureZone has been moved to a new server and I am working on making it works faster than ever before.
Let me know if you still experience any pages that are often too slow .... like posting a new messages or editing existing messages or any other page ...."
Although I do not use the CK editor very often, I've noticed recently that the times that I do try to use CK, it gives me the following message:
"An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error."
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