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For those who think Kevin is a crook.................
10 y
Hair Loss Cure?
11 y
Hair Loss Cure?
Hello everyone. I know there are many KT haters on here and I agree he has a rocky past, but I personsally still enjoy his advice. His natural cures book woke me up in many ways in my pursuit toward good health. I was wondering if anyone on here knows which product he claims "cures" hair loss. He spoke about it on his 8-18-11 broadcast, but you had to email him for the name of the product. Now his websites are pretty much non-functional unless you are making a donation to his legal defense fund. Thanks.
don't worry about 'ol kevin, he stashed millions i...
John McCain 2008
11 y
don't worry about 'ol kevin, he stashed millions in his mattress.
the price you pay to be a multi millionaire these days is ten years behind bars. small price to pay for the life of luxury, wouldn't you all agree? if i said to you, "i'll hand over tens of millions in untaxed profits, all you have to do is spend a decade in a minimum security facility...would you do it? i bet at least 75% of you would. and if that decade started at age 51...even better. your best days are behind you, kids are raised, already had plenty of sex with the wife, still got some fight left in ya. you're out at age 61, millions in the mattress hidden from the irs and life starts over again. not a bad trade-off, kevin, not bad at all. just...don't drop the soap if you know what i mean.
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why is there still a "kevin trudeau space" held fo...
John McCain 2008
11 y
looks like 'ol kevin trudeau is in the pokey.
John McCain 2008
11 y
looks like 'ol kevin trudeau is in the pokey.
and many of you followed his medical advice. told ya so...he's a charleton.
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