Liver flushing dates back to the 1930’s in old surgery books about gallbladder surgery.
Liver flushing gives fast results, done correctly a person can loose 10# of fatty accumulations out of th ....
Liver Flushing dates back to the 1930's in old surgery books about gallbladder surgery.
Liver Flushing gives fast results, done correctly a person can loose 10# of fatty accumulations out of the neck/chest area when done correctly until the waste is out.
Many people do not like the taste of epsoms salts, but that is the secret to success for passing those stones the size of the gallbladder.
YOU appear very "medical" in that you must trust those types of things----so this is by far more "simpler"----do the GERMAN METHOD of Lecithin rich oils.....
In Germany some years back, if you wanted your gallbladder removed, you would require special permission, otherwise they would give ypu 30 lecithin capsules and I think that was 3x daily, etc. until all the stones / mud was gone
The old herbal method used
Olive-Oil every day....ozoated olive oil even better.
oz olive oil every day or stronger, 1 ounce sunflower oil (rich in lecithin) will eventually lead to no stones, no mud and the entire circulatory system and brain- restore to proper lecithin and prevent hardening of the arterties
Liver Flushes done correctly should do no harm, but when the person has been scared------olive oil and sunflower oil can do wonders---if the natural food oils bother you, then consult your drs for all your health needs.