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Chelation Therapy Support Forum
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Chelation Forum is dedicated to support on Chelation Therapy. There are three forms of chelation currently available for medical administration / supervision: EDTA, DMPS, and DMSA. ...

DMSA (Meso-2, 3-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid ) is a sulfhydryl-containing, water-soluble, non-toxic, orally administered, metal chelator1 which has been in use as an antidote to heavy metal toxicity since the 1950s. Recent clinical use and research substantiates this compound's efficacy and safety, and establishes it as the premier oral metal chelation compound when compared to other available chelating substances.
If you use DMSA, it is recommended that you work with a Doc that has used it with more than 20 patients in the past and it is recommended that you first take several small test doses to make sure you can tolerate it.

EDTA chelation is a therapy by which repeated administrations of a weak synthetic amino acid (EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid) gradually reduce atherosclerotic plaque and other mineral deposits throughout the cardiovascular system by literally dissolving them away.
EDTA chelation may be one of the most effective, least expensive, and safest treatments for heart disease ever developed, yet it is practiced by perhaps only 2,000 physicians in the United States.
EDTA is so effective at removing unwanted minerals and metals from the blood, it has been the standard 'FDA-approved' treatment for lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium poisoning for more than 50 years.

DMPS is a mercury chelator, like DMSA, yet is more dangerous since it can pull other useful metals out of the body (e.g. zinc and copper) and it can dump much mercury into the kidney and liver, and permanently damage them. If you use DMPS, it is recommended that you work with a Doc that has used it with more than 20 patients in the past and that you first take several small test doses to make sure you can tolerate it.
DMPS is not recommended.

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