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Re: Flukes, Mucus, and Alien parasites
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Re: Flukes, Mucus, and Alien parasites


Thank you for sharing your experiences and the protocols you have researched and used for healing and, your willingness to share them.

Your concise approach to begin the healing journey from parasitic infections is very helpful since many, myself included, are so exhausted that it is difficult to follow complicated and wordy instructions.

I have a few questions if you have the time to consider:

1. What are the other fluke infections that require other meds for treatment in addition to Praziquantel? And, what are those medicationss?

Also, what are the amounts needed for the castor oil, ginger and peppermint?

I have intestinal,lung and blood flukes.
The species that I know for certain are: Nanophyetus salmincola (prevalent on the Pacific NW coast), Schistosoma japonicum and Paragonimus kellicotti (North American Lung Fluke).
There could be other species.

2. As you mentioned, when one has a complex infection involving multiple fluke species along with red, white and other parasitic infections, what are the other medications to include with the fluke protocol?

Example: 4 fluke species, ascaris, hookworm, strongyloides, pinworm, some other long white worm, Tapeworm and protozoa?

3. Do you have any thoughts regarding a situation when a person has an infection in which taking magnesium, B vitamins and any fat increases their venous biofilm activity thus, theoretically preventing them from taking these important supplements and food elements? Some doctors advise these patients not to take these items for this reason.

4. There are actually a lot of people dealing with co-infections involving algae of all things; specifically, for example, Lyngbya algae (blue-green cyanobacteria) and Noctiluca dinoflagellate. These things produce cyanotoxins in the body and can complicate treatment for any other infections.
These are foodbourne illnesses (e.g., eating blue-green algae).
Have you had any dealings with regards to this health issue?

5. The issue of ineffective parasitic medications seems to be a complex issue since there appears to be many causes for the problem.

In addition to the reasons listed, today, there are more problems regarding contaminants being found in medications (e.g., mercury found in praziquantel from Thailand and many other contaminants from medications made in China).

In addition and, for myself, I discovered the problem was caused by high levels of heavy metals/toxins, low body pH and, significant malabsorption issues.

Two of these issues were caused by several specific parasitic infections.

Some parasites (e.g., Strongyloides) embed themselves overwhelmingly into the lining of the stomach & intestines causing significant malabsorption of nutrients and medications.

And, the parasites themselves generate a constant stream of toxins, wastes, pathogens, heavy metals and biofilms which all create, over time, an overly acidic environment in the body which lowers the body's pH status. Some parasites are better at this than others.

I learned this from several Veterinarian conferences in which they addressed an unusual and increasing problem seen in dogs in which the "tried and true" parasitic medications were not effective anymore. They discovered it was due to significant malabsorption secondary to parasitic infections in the GI tract. They determined this by testing to see if the therapeutic dose of medication showed up in the blood work... it did not, which led them to discover the actual cause, which in this case, was Strongyloides though, there are a few other parasites that can cause this.

They remedied the situation by administering Ivermectin subcutaneously. This approach is now being used by some doctors when treating people with severe strongyloides infections or, they quadruple the oral dose of the medication, usually Ivermectin.

This would also explain why essential oils may work better than meds, at times, since they are absorbed differently and penetrate the tissues and cells much more readily, especially if combined with other "penetrants" and carriers that prolong their therapeutic activity and increase their immediate bioavailability/absorption.

I have also learned that high levels of heavy metals and other toxins in the body prevent adequate absorption of medications in which case, addressing this issue with various forms of detoxification and chelation works (charcoal, clays, zeolite, sauna, sweat, lymph drainage, many others).

Thank you for your thoughts and time.
Wishing you continued healing and good health.



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