Please help ID (pics inside). Terrible list of symptoms for the last 3 years with different doctors telling me its all in my head.
I've reached a point of total frustration after visiting a half a dozen different Doctors who have all been unable to even remotely help me. I was an otherwise healthy late 20s male until my symptoms started about three years ago. I'm hoping that my stool pics might help ID what I have below along with symptoms:
-Rapid heart rate (120bpm) 10-15 mins after eating seemingly anything (a few grapes have done this)
- Extreme brain fog and the need to immediately lay down in bed for sometimes hours after a meal while being unable to actually sleep.
- Very lethargic otherwise with poor memory
- Recurring bloating and stomach dissension (not always when I'm experiencing other symptoms)
-Mild pains in my stomach and occasional gastric reflux
-Alternating diarrhea and constipation.
-Strange looking bowel movements with what looks like either mucus or strings etc (SEE PICS)
-Recurring Eczema on my face
-Recurring fungal patch on middle of chest
Acne all over my back that has been present for almost three years
-I had a skin allergy test done that tested for all common
food allergies including Gluten that came back negative
-H pylori stool antigen test came back negative
-Stool test for ova came back negative (although lab was in foreign country not none for medical expertise)
- General blood work was normal
If anyone has experiences something similar or could give me any hints please let me know. One doctor recommended I take Zanax, another one said my symptoms were due to drinking coffee even though I had for years before any symptoms.
I'm currently following a gluten free diet and trying my best to stick to FODMAPs. I took probiotics for long periods with no success as well as eating fermented foods and yogurt which Ive since stopped.