Um what's wrong with you¿ You should very well know what die off systoms are. And I TOLD YOU TO TAKE LAMISIL AND Fluconazole together. It is like you never want to get better.
Also taking that is not a good idea for you to begin With because I have not seen you are not posting about liver flushes. You will NEVER recover if you don't flush and detox your liver.
Fungus give off 1000s of different toxins and your liver has to deal with that. You allready have throid problems what are you going to do when your adrenal glands get infected?.
I'm sure it's to late now you took the Fluconazole for a week so most of the fungus is immune to it. Also Fluconazole is extremely toxic to the liver. I don't even know what to say to you anymore I'm so pissed.