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Dogma Debate & Discussion Forum
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Dogma Forum

"If you wish to grow, at some point, you will have to give up dogmatic thinking."

Are dogmas ruling your life?

"Dogma" is our belief system, or personal creed -- the principles we live by. Dogma: it is very easy to care for. Be sure to give it daily attention and it will grow big and strong.

If dogma were a pet, and you were writing a manual for the Care and Feeding of Your dogma, what advice would you give?

What's interesting is how different everyone is. What is dogma for one is just another rule to break for another.

"Does reality allow for more than one truth?
Is it possible for two people to be in disagreement without one being wrong? Is a physical world object a particle or is it a wave? Is it neither, or is it both? If a man feels an elephant by touching its trunk and comes to a different conclusion than a man who touches the same elephants foot, does one man have to be wrong? I choose to think that both can be right, that reality can be ambiguous, and dependent on the viewpoint taken.
Can I use logic and convince you that one side is true and the other false? Can I force you with logic to see my point? Do we really choose, or are we just the result of the past and the forces upon us? This is a fundamental dilemma for many people. Thinking is certainly a valid process, at least initially, but doing more may not help us more. It is easy to fall into the trap of becoming one dimensional about thinking and to lose sight of how much we are seduced into using it. I am asking you to think about thinking, and to consider that thinking has limits."--Bill Savoie

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