Blog: Path of my Life
by Karlin

2 news items not in the news - 9/11 and Nuke plant near miss

un-reported news items
Nuclear meltdown 'near-miss' in USA ;
9/11 theory reaches airwaves

Date:   10/11/2006 2:18:48 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2107 times

There were two news stories that were not reported, but that I heard about today:
1] a nuclear power plant nearly went chernobyl two weeks ago, and
2] an 'opinion' on 9/11 that has been banished from the airwaves until today.

--------------------here is what I have so far:

Dr. Helen Caldicott , from the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, was being interviewed today [Oct 11th 2006] on CBC radio. They were talking about nuclear power issues, and Dr. Helen mentioned a "near-miss" nuclkear event within the past few weeks had occured in the USA mainland, she may have said it was at 3 mile island [again].

It was on the radio as I was driving my car, so I could not make notes. She DID say exactly where it had happened, I just didn't get it clearly.

The interviewer quickly said "oh ya, the one that WAS NOT IN THE NEWS". The interview wrapped up in the next sentence, as if she had got the hook from her producer.

So, Bush could not afford to have the public realise that the USA's own nuclear power plants are more of a danger to Americans than all the South Korea's nukes put together. No, he could not let that happen, more unfortunate truths eh G-Dub?


A ticker at the bottom of a local American morning news tv screen ran three times, so I did get this one verbatum:
"Wisconson instructor doubts al Qeauda's role in 9/11, and likens Bush to Hitler"

OK, so actually it WAS in the news, but it was only on the ticker and not reported by a talking head.
To me, this is the TV station trying to slip some news to the public without letting their Washington controllers know about it, and with nobody to really blame when it is just the ticker at the bottom of the screen.

This "instructor" is speaking aloud that forbidden opinion/question that "Bush had WANTED 9/11 to occur, and therefore had a hand in getting it to happen". Many people are asking this question now, just as a few had asked it in 2001 when it happened, or when Bush announced invasion plans for oil rich nations as retaliation for 9/11.

There is plenty of signs pointing to the White House's involvement in 9/11, and many strange things happened that day [and before and since] that lend credence to the theory.

Nothing of this angle has been reported, even as "just a theory that many people are talking about". Various critics point out the inconsitencies but do not draw conclusions that 9-11 was another in a long line of "false flag events" where governments stage attacks to get support for military action. In fact, it is an ancient "Art of War" tactic described in military handbooks and thru history.

This is big news, because this one instructor has crossed the line, as did that TV station this morning. Perhaps we can get the flood gates to open up on the major media news!!!

maybe you allready knew that nuclear power is bad - see website where Helen's new book is featured, and other nuclear informations:

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