Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

AHA! Revelatory Dream

Aha Dream!

Date:   2/19/2006 1:34:55 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1506 times

AHA! Revealatory Dream

February 2/19/06
San Diego, CA
3:21 AM

It is raining outside,
strongly raining.

I was keeping to myself yesterday
as best I could, reveling in my own Creative Flow.

I did some things in Appleworks graphically
that I do not know how to do.

I am being shown intuitively how to do some things
so The Seven Love Cures can come out in two weeks
for the Mark Victor Hansen MEGA Marketing University
in Los Angeles at the Westin Hotel March 3,4,5.

The event costs somewhere around $1200.00 to spend
three days with the finest marketers in the nation.
The Trade Show is free. I will attend the Trade Show,
walking around with my cart of flowers and some
fresh things that I procur on the Saturday of the Trade Show
from the Rodriguez Family who also do a Farmers' Market
iin WLA off Pico. I will bring Mark some organic strawberries.
I can see bringing my Green Power juicer to the home
where I will be staying. I will juice some fresh juices for Mark.
I will not ask to be admitted to the show, but I will be there
with my camera. At some point I will show him The Seven Love
Cures. I will meet a marketeer and pick up extra energy
for releasing The Seven Love Cures into the world.

Each time we increase understanding between one man
and one woman, we take organic steps to bring the
Enchanted Garden down to earth. The Enchanted Garden
is a name for our New Earth that grows, one seed and seed
dream at a time.

I will stay at the home of close friends
during the event, a place where for more than 12 years
I have given birth to profound growth. The vibration is that
of the Great Mother, underneath, all the surface.

This is the place where I first Made Love to Gwen,
my best friend. Gwen is short for Gwenavere who is
implicated in the Saga of Camelot. She is also part
Morgana, the Pagan witch. Of course, this is not
her current name. Let her remain anonymous.

I have been dreaming for about an hour it seems.
I was concerned about getting up and writing out my dream,
but then I remembered that I installed a Super High Electrical
outlet right next to my Desk recently, and so I can write
any hour of the day and night, winter or summer.

It has been an issue how long I will stay in this place.
My Co-owner would like her money out.
The challenge is for me to decide if I want this place
or to move elsewhere. I have been stressing a lot over this.
Too much stressing. I have been stressing as well
over the apparent loss of my Making Love Partner, Gwen.
She insists she is not my Lover, but when we Make Love
it rains, or her mouth opens and she becomes the Frog Woman,
or starts mouthing other Goddesses from various traditions.

There is goes! An outpouring of Rain as I write this!
A very rare, and special rain, so deeply needed by
our So Cal Farmers in drought.

Yesterday, I brought through a very special new edition
of "Love Her Always." It features a close up of an Orange
Blossom and the words of this very important Love Cure.

I just lined up the Seven Love Cures on the space in
front of me. I am going to Sactify further this space tomorrow.
On Monday, I sense I am going to honor Bob Marley.
My friend, Makada does an annual celebration for him
at the San Diego Sports Arena.

Maybe I will do a Love Cure from the Stage before 1000's of people.
Maybe just under my breath. Who knows?

She does not know I plan to be there.
It would not be the first time I have showed up in a place
where the program has been set for months
and ended up on stage. It is my M.O.
when I am following Spirit.

I have been watching the Curezone Numbers.
I enjoy being #2. I once came 345 or so out of #1.
It is kinda funny, don't you think, this Curezone numbers?

Lapis has many of the spots in the top 10.
He works for Curezone I believe.
His lovely Blog "Resonance" is in spot #3.
He has not written anything new in months, I believe,
but he can jump up 2000 in one day. In the last
week or ten days, I have dropped from 18,000
to around 8,000 ahead of #3.

I imagine this is because he is a master of Keywords.
I can spend an hour or more a day writing Blogs,
some that I imagine a lot of people think are silly and no
little value. Sometimes, I have jumped up 1000 hits in one
day. The hit counter moves in a strange way on Curezone,
have you noticed,. I am not sure exactly how it moves.
On the spiritual level, I once imagined I would be a Master
in 3D. Someone would imagine that I got to that place
without much effort. I would like others to see that mastership
comes from going through a lot of highs and lows and riding
the roller coaster of emotional fallout.

When I started to Blog some time around this time last year,
it was for healing purposes. I have felt that I had it in be
to be a best selling author in the world. I have never fultilled
that in this 3D world. I am a poor marketer. I just write.
Being up there in the Blogs has been like practicing to be
a Best Seller author in the world. My friend Mark Victor Hansen
does it in 3D. He is the one who co-authored the Chicken Soup
for the Soul series.

In one past life, back in Camelot--and Camelot was never
really fully in 3D--Merlin had one tower of the Castle.
I had another. I was the Court Jester in that Life.

I could say things to the King and get away with it
without getting my butt thrown out of the Castle.
Such is the way of the Divine Fool.

Watching the CureZone #'s and being Number two
has meant a lot to be. I am a highly addicted personality.
As I said, I imagine I have it in me to be one of the World's
Greatest Writers, but I am under Utilized in this Life
for many reasons, most of my own making.

Part of this is that this is the Way it is suppose to be....
but maybe this will Shift.

I am from a lineage of Hidden Ones.
In the Jewish Tradition, they speak of the Hidden Ones,
the 36 who Hold Up the World.

The ones who Hold Up the World are not seen.
They just do the work. My father may be one of these.
He is a very big hearted man. He is highly regarded
in his community, but I received from him through
childhood the Gift of being a Wishy Washy Man
who never knew how to declare himself among the
closest Woman in his Life.

He adored my mother. She died when I was 12.
Then he remarried when I was 15. She had an army
sargeant personality and liked to yell and scream.
I screamed back. My dad said I was ruining his marriage.
I shut up. That is how I planted seeds that later turned
into arthritis in many of my joints.

We need to yell and scream when appropriately,
rant, and rave. Otherwise we internalize.

So here is the dream.

I went back to a place where I had done Ceremony Work.
No one knew I had been in this Place before.
At the close of the evening, a woman got on stage.
I connected with her. I was in a heightened altered state.

I remembered a time when years before, I had been in that
place. I had been doing ceremony work. I had made love
to a woman there and we released and grounded
a lot of spiritual energy for the sake of the world.

Now, it was years later. Another woman was on stage.
I had a revelation a rememberance of the power of the Ceremony
work that I had done in that place. The energy was still
in that place from when we made love.

I started to beam energy toward this woman who was on stage.
She was in communion with me.

She started to beam back to the entire audience, this
Shakti energy. I was at that time
in the audience. I was the only one who knew that
for years I had done very special ceremony work
that was for the most part hidden, but very important
for the healing of So Cal and the world.

In this life, I have recognized that this was my Bio Region,
So Cal.

There are spiritually guided folks in various parts of the
country who have their own spiritual bioregions.

We hold the world together in those spaces because
we are here.

Most of us do not have a clue who we are.
We function in various worlds. For the most part
we are fragmented. We haven't a clue the real worth
of what we do for the Earth. This worth has nothing to
do with success as it is defined. It has nothing to do with
best seller numbers, or books sold, although I have known
people, such as Bo :Lozoff, who take care of themselves
in this world of 3d without selling out the Soul.

There is no question that if the works in my room
where in the world, this world would be a more beautiful place.

Most of us are hidden. You could be a sick person
in this world, on Social Security Disability. You could have
some kind of ailment that seemingly impairs you.
Underneath, in the Soul of your self, you can be a different
together kind of person.

That is what the 1000 years of peace is all about.
It is about 144,000 inspired Souls who actually follow
Mother Earth's invite to Plant Your Dream!

{There it goes! More Symphony of Rain
as I write this!--4:00 AM]

So, here I am in this dream.
I am in the audience.
This woman on stage is receiving me
and emitting all this Shakti Divine energy to the audience.
She is giving me back through her Shakti energy
what I had left in this place doing Ceremony Work.

In 3D, in the early days of the Whole Life Expo,
that for many years was a very special show in So Cal,
I would do the Closing Ceremonies.

The organizers of the show never knew what to do with me.
They appreciated me but the closing ceremonies I did
were free. They had no price tag. For many years,after
I would run into people who remembered those ceremonies.
They were a highlight of the show.

They were coordinated with cosmic and eartly events.
Once time, at the HIlton near the LAX (airport),
there was a Whole LIfe Expo right during the Jewish High
Holiday of Yom Kippur, the day of atonement.
I was not into celebrating that Holy time in any
conventional Jewish way back then.

My friend, Amatra, who I heard from yesterday was sleeping
in the bed. There was this earthquake, and the water in the pool
shook she told me later. I never woke up.

Amatra would groom me. She would cut my hair and make
sure I looked good in 3D, kind of a EPC..(=.Earth Plane Coordinator.)

She, and Cynthia ( )
, would sometimes show up to do
"My Goddess Prayer for You," #6 of The Seven Love Cures.
That was in the 80's.

Amatra used to say. "Leslie doesn't even wake up for
an earthquake less than 7.0." That was the joke.

There was no closing ceremony on that program
of that particular Whole Life Expo during the 80's
but during the show, it was finally o.k.ed to do one
by the time the programmer got to know me during the show.
We did it in a part of the Hilton that was still being
restored. The event was not even on the official program,
but a couple hundred people showed up including
various performers, such as my friend Stephen Longfellow Fiske
creator of the Planetary Earth Anthem. That closing
had a very powerful energy for Peace. I blew the Shofar,
the ram's horn, that is blown to announce the coming
of the messiah.

When I would do those closing ceremonies,
sometimes, I would be surrounded with all kinds
of spirit that was not in my field. One time I was
filled with Christ energy for a month after..
Another time, it felt like the Purple People--The Pleadians
were in my field. They like to play a lot and these ceremonies
that were their cup of tea.

So in my dream, this woman was beaming all this Shakti
Divine energy to the audience, and to me. She was picking
up on all this sexua| energy that came from when I made love
in that space years before.

Somehow, during some event in my dream, I went out
in the back years before, and made love in the EG Mobile.
The energy was still permeating the space.

So, then in the dream, something happened, and next
thing you know, I came out of Hiding. I was on stage
speaking. I was revealed.

I starting to tell about how previously, We had done
very divine ceremony work in this space, but no one remembered.

Then I evoked the energy that had been there all along.

People in the audience started to feel it as I expressed
in through my Word.

People started to be healed.
They started to go into altered states.
They started to speak in different ways,
sort of like the Frog Woman when I would make love
to Gwen.

Then, the dream went on to another place.
I was in this world. I was seeing things
as they really are, Soul level lateral thinking.

I was reminded that underneath my home here in San Diego
there was an enormous Crack under ground.
I was shown that through my presence on this property
My Soul was holding the Crack together.

If I had not been here, the history of the place in 3D would have
been different.

enough said.

Then I saw my Co-owners desire to sell this place.
She wanted her money.

I saw that she had been paid spiritually and I was here
through a spiritual trust between our Souls.

I also remembered that she owned property in Washington
called Dragon Belly Farm, on the Olympic Peninsula.

Once, after the Celebration of Community in 1993,
I was in an alteres state. I dropped some Sacred Seeds
in the pond up there. They went down into the Belly of the Dragon.

They were Peace Seeds that had been dedicated.

I was riding south from Washington with a dear friend,
another hidden mystic. He had attended the Celebration
of Community with me, a Fellowship for Intentional Community
event. Every time we stopped to eat,
we would buy a newspaper. During our journey south,
There was a cease fire declared in the Mid East. That
was when Bagin (sp?) and our president were negotiating..
I celebrated that the peace seeds I dropped inside the belly
of the dragon had done their work.

I also was shown and reminded that all the years I did
those Whole Life Expo Ceremonies, I would empower
a tray of baby herbs that I brought with me from the Taylor Herb
Farm. I would empower the plants with the closing ceremony
energy, and then give the plants away.

In those days, I had access to thousands of baby herb
plants that I could access and give away.

One plant went into the garden of the owner of the Whole LIfe
Expo. He would tell me every year I saw him, that the scented
geranium was very large--feet wide. He would say that every time
he watered, he would think of me.

I would hear those kind of reports from others.
I know I helped shift the literal landscape of So Cal
through that year after year ceremony work with disseminating
these herb plants.

The energy of the Closing Ceremonies were grounded
and changed the landscape of So Cal.

So here we are. 4:25 AM
February 19, 2006.

Someone--a man named Richard--who used to play
sacred bowls in those days at our Closing Ceremonies
once said that if I did nothing else in my life but put out
the Goddess Prayer--#6 of The Seven Love Cures--
that would have been enough to
fulfill this incarnation.

My plan is to bring whatever Love Cures I have in good shape
to the Mark Victor Hansen event.

I will also bring him some strawberries.

While passing through the city where Gwen lives,
on the way to LA, I will not stop to say hello.

your eg

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