Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Riding Change

Eric Dowsett on Change...
One of the Feng Shui teachers I
admire. He taught in San Diego last

Date:   2/18/2006 10:27:50 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1347 times

Eric Dowsett

Riding the Winds of Change
by Eric Dowsett

For everybody currently alive on planet Earth change could be the biggest challenge we are ever likely to have to face. How we are able to cope with changes that seem to present themselves ever faster – as time seems to ‘shrink’; will determine, more than ever, how our personal reality unfolds.

Many of us may feel powerless to change the way the future unfolds, victims to environmental issues, political situations or financial whims and fears. No longer can we ‘safely’ plan our future and the future of our children. Life no longer seems as predictable as it once was. Whatever we think may happen, whether it be an alien invasion, global ascension, technological madness, big brother and one world order or massive shifts in the physical nature of planet earth one thing is certain – change is inevitable. It has always been the one thing we can count on. Impermanence is an important aspect of the teachings of the Buddha; certainly in our third dimensional reality everything that exists is subject to change and decay.

In the past change happened of course but at a much slower rate than now. It seemed easier to adapt to the seasons of life, where we found areas where change was uncomfortable we sought to hang on to the past. Even now we may try to resist change and recreate the past based on ‘happy’ memories. Wars are about change; either one group trying to force change on another or one group resisting change. Our social training has encouraged us to build our future based upon our memories – what else have we? For many of us however, those memories have become addictions and dictate how our future will unfold. We may indeed be powerless to affect the massive changes that seem to be headed our way but we can at least moderate our reaction and response to those changes.

If we understand the cause of the increased rate of change and the possible effects it will have on us we can move out of fantasy and fearful projections. If we understand the part we are playing in this unfolding adventure on Earth at this point in our evolution, we become empowered to positively affect those changes and are better able to adapt.

I feel as though the heat is being turned up but the pressure has not been released. This has many obvious side effects. Possibly the most fundamental effect is greater polarisation. An increase in the duality; greater light, greater darkness. Even as change appears to be forced on us, whether we like it or not, we do have a choice – at least we have the potential for choice. We can ride the changes or resist them. Look around you, at your friends and relatives; your work mates, the stock exchange, the political decisions that are being made, can you see where change is being resisted? The symptoms, on social, physical, mental or emotional levels are obvious; sickness and disease, fear and anger, aggression and domestic violence.

In my close contact with health professionals there are increasing reports of greater distress in the clients. Everybody seems to be going through some ‘heavy stuff’ right now. It seems as though all of our transgressions, the pieces of us that have been hidden away from the light – our deepest fears – are being presented to us in a way that we can no longer deny or avoid. How we deal with this ‘stuff’ will give us a clue as to how we are going to cope with changes on more fundamental levels in the future.

Causes for Change

To get a better understanding of the nature of change it is good to get a bigger picture. It is recorded fact that the background magnetic field of the Earth is less now than it has been for many hundreds of years. The human race has played its part in this event. Cutting down millions of trees has robbed the earth of one if its most valued attributes, the ability to take solar and cosmic energy patterns, transform them via the trees and restore energy to the earth itself. This certainly is an important factor in the lowering of the background magnetic field. It has also been shown that the magnetic field of the earth reduces prior to a polar shift, where the north pole becomes the south, magnetically not physically. Another fascinating side effect of a lessening in the magnetic field strength is the resulting impact it has on life on the planet. Lower magnetic fields provide the opportunity for change through the rapid manifestation of thought and feeling1. We all experience the result of our thoughts and feelings. Up until very recently however, the actual manifestation of the results of those thoughts and feelings has taken considerable time to appear. Most of us I feel are constantly sending our requests through prayer or simply desire. No sooner have we made a request than we make another, then another. Next we are moderating or changing an earlier request. We get what we asked for, though more often than not it does not come in the model or colour that we thought we needed. So we end up in considerable confusion, receiving answers to our prayers or desires when we have already moved beyond an apparent need for whatever it was that we asked for. An analogy would be aircraft ‘banked up’ above an airport waiting to land and the traffic controllers having amnesia. “Who ordered this plane? wWhere did it come from? Where is it going to?” etc. Yet still the planes keep on landing.

So it is with us. The results of our basic ability to manifest our reality have a lag time, partly due to our ever changing ‘mind’ and partly due to the dense nature of third dimensional reality. The background magnetic field of this planet is a significant part of the reality we experience, our personal energy fields monitoring and adapting to our ‘external’ environment constantly. Affirmations are a good example. Be they ‘positive’ in nature or ‘negative’, the more we affirm a thought or desire the more likely it is that it will manifest; the more we focus on the affirmation the sooner it will manifest. For many the affirmations are not a conscious aspect. For the most part we have a whole set of affirmations working constantly away in the background of our awareness. This of course leads to the continuing of certain cycles of events occurring over and over again. If we were able to see this we would begin to become empowered to change the patterns or affirmations where needed. Instead we remain in great part asleep (8 cycles per second; the frequency of the Earth) and truly are victims of our own unconscious desires and agendas.

In a sense, the magnetic field is ‘lightening up’ like a cloud lifting, letting more light shine through, easier and quicker. This allows a more rapid response to our thoughts and feelings, the time lag reduces between thought and manifestation. What seems to be a major issue in this process is that a whole backlog of ‘stuff’ has been released seemingly all at once. As a result of the many years we have been projecting desire, be it consciously or not, we are reaping the rewards in a hurry. This has a very positive side because, before we can move on with a clean slate, our past needs to be balanced. Our past needs to be left behind to make room for our future. As our thoughts and feelings manifest more quickly, with a reducing time lag, so we become more aware of the power of our thoughts, of the energy of feeling and the importance of these aspects in the creation of our reality. Where a significant time lag existed we may well have forgotten that we placed an order, so that by the time it is served up to us we have no recollection of the part we played in the manifestation of this thought or feeling. As the time lag reduces it become very obvious that all that we are presented with on a daily basis, everything, not just the main course or the dessert, is a direct result of our own thoughts and feelings.

This will be difficult to accept for many because of the backlog that continues to manifest, throwing the whole into ever greater confusion. This in turn drives the person ever deeper into a state of victim consciousness. Fortunately, hand in hand with the ‘lightening’ of the background magnetic field responsible in part for the speedy manifestation of our thoughts and feelings, is the increasing base frequency of the planet itself. As we adjust to and resonate with this new frequency we come out of the relaxed sleep state into a state of wakefulness. The more we wake up the easier it becomes to accept change – the less we are likely to go into physical, mental or emotional stress.

Handling Change on a Personal Level

Meditation is a powerful tool to calm the mind, still the senses and be aware of energy movement as it affects you and a little time spent each day in a peaceful state can only help you through the changes. There are of course other ways to come to terms with what is happening around us. The changes in background magnetic field and base frequency are providing the perfect environment to facilitate a shift in consciousness. The real issue is how we deal with these fundamental shifts that help create and support our reality.

Picture your body as a great collection of cells, each with a tiny electrical charge, but for the moment with no specific purpose. In this case you would have no physical body, all of the cells remain ‘undifferentiated’. This means that the cells are all the same and all available for whatever task you set them. Through our DNA and RNA we begin to signal the cells, we send out messages to some of these undifferentiated cells. Imagine the messages to be similar to radio waves, each has a specific frequency. As each cell gets the message, so to speak, it takes on the frequency of the signal. This means that the cell is no longer free but has a very specific task. That task may be bone marrow, nerve ending, blood cell, heart tissue, whatever. As the DNA continues its task, relaying information to available cells, so those cells take on the responsibility of forming and maintaining various parts of the whole until you have a physical body. The process continues, without your conscious awareness and your body grows to experience life.

Where sickness or disease, on whatever level it may manifest appears, we could say that there has been a breakdown in communication somewhere down the line. A signal has become, for whatever reason, confused and instead of producing a healthy cell is creating, for example, a cancerous cell. If we were to recognise the breakdown in communication early on then it is quite possible that we would send in the repair team and correct any fault. Unfortunately we have lost that sensitivity and only recognise a problem exists when it is physically manifest and of course, much harder to deal with – we have been asleep (8 cycles per second!). So it is with how we deal with change. We have lost touch with our true nature and try to cope with change on a purely physical level. Western society is a classic example through its legislative processes, putting a band aid over the sore of discontent. Bring in more legislation to create more control. Our reality was becoming a ‘band-aid’ society. This is but a reflection of a massive, collective ‘backlog’ of thoughts and feelings all toppling over one another to manifest more and more confusion. It seemed as though the only way we were going to be able, collectively, to deal with this confusion was to legislate to try and restore order. Even our medical profession, having lost touch with the feminine aspect of healing, have, in the main, become ‘band-aid’ practitioners. The very process of becoming a medical practitioner and surviving in the 20th century can wear down the most open heart. This ‘band-aid’ therapy meets the demands of the ‘patient’ who, contradictory to the meaning of the word patient, is quite the opposite and demands a quick fix which ultimately, in my opinion, does more harm than good.

We have become a society of the quick fix as a result of the confusion of being out of touch with our true nature. As the winds of change sweep over us all many are waking up to the need to accept more responsibility for personal health and that the quick fix is not the answer. Still, even with the increasing numbers of alternative health workers listing in the Yellow Pages, the habit of the quick fix is hard to shake. This is one example of the addictive nature of our reality and the difficulty we meet as we try to free ourselves from these old patterns. As mentioned earlier though we have tremendous support at this time through the earth changes.

Our personal habits and addictions are so ingrained that for the most part we are not even aware of them and nothing seems to help until one day, the penny drops, the little light goes on. Many times it seems as though we come to a realisation almost without any help from ourselves or others. I have known ‘clients’ move from one practitioner to the next, and so on, seeking all the time the answer to their problems through a practitioner. Finally, after 30 practitioners, the 31st ‘fixes’ the problem. Is the 31st magical, gifted, a great healer, or has the patients time come? I see this all of the time, as much in my own life as in the lives of my clients and friends. My addiction to tobacco, try as I might, I did not give up – yet one day magically, without effort I seemed to go through a metamorphosis and never smoked again. No side effects, no withdrawal symptoms. So it has been with coffee, sugar, alcohol etc. Each in their own time. Were I to try and force myself into a new state of awareness I would be living a lie, a very stressful lie and do myself more harm than good. No matter how many times friends point out to me patterns of my own behaviour that are self defeating, which I have not seen yet through a dedication to growth through self awareness, the patterns continue to present themselves. When the time is right, the penny drops and I can see, then I can change.

If we live in guilt and anger, blame and judgement it is because they are our lessons. We will experience that guilt and anger, that blame and judgement visited upon us as we project it onto others. Likewise we will experience the results of being in a state of peace and unconditional love if that is the state that we radiate much of the time. The forces that maintain our reality are constantly chipping away at that which we imagine to be real and constant: order is an illusion – better count on chaos. The more we accept change the easier those changes become. There are layers upon layers to be looked at and handled. As mentioned earlier, those deeply in reaction will find it more difficult to accept change than others who are still and quiet. This is no better nor worse, it just is. As we can accept ourselves and others, so we come out of judgement, out of the duality or polarisation of opposites and see life in a very different light.

As we accept ourselves and others we allow, by the simple act of being, others to accept themselves. This has a domino effect on reality which I believe is growing more evident in our society. The most ‘unlikely’ people are waking up rapidly. As we wake out of years of habitual confusion we need a supportive environment. Whilst we try and express this ‘new’ reality that we find ourselves deeply involved in we need the help of all those around us. If we are met with fear and ridicule then it is likely that we will dive back into the old paradigm, the safety of the cave I wrote about in the last issue of Health and Healing. We need to be patient with ourselves and all others in these times of shifting values, whilst we wake up to our individual areas or lessons to be learnt. To accept the ‘bad’ as well as the ‘good’ will help even out the path of our future. To hang on to any concept of who we are will lead to ongoing ‘reaction’ to situations that continue to present themselves. This may have the effect of magnifying situations, making them appear more and more difficult to deal with, until, one day, the penny will drop, the light go on and relief and thankfulness will fill your entire being.

Seek help from your fellow traveller but give your power to none. Support your brothers and sisters but don’t seek their dependence. Be gentle on your self and know that you are a perfect being manifesting a perfect reality in perfect time. And, above all – “Don’t worry - be happy” and remember to breathe; breathing is good.

1 Awakening to Zero Point, Gregg Braden p.23

Eric Dowsett is a Personal and Environmental Energy Consultant and author of “The Moment That Matters”. He regularly travels the East Coast of Australia conducting self help workshops on issues relating to personal health the environment and our relationship and dependency on that environment.

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