Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Miss SC

Sometimes people ask certain questions to: create a special politico-social spin on some public subject.
Other times is is done to provoke or embarrass - or else it is it is just stupid action!
Here is a recent example of such action

Date:   8/13/2021 2:21:53 AM   ( 4 y ) ... viewed 1222 times

Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Miss SC

*** " The truth is the only way to fly with out crashing and burning! " ***

Date: 9/14/2015 9:35:37 PM ( 6 y ) ... viewed 641 times

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Miss Daja Dial

Sometimes people ask certain questions to: create a special politico-social spin on some public subject.
Other times is is done to provoke or embarrass - or else it is it is just stupid action!
Here is a recent example of such action!

Yet in the case below - notice that the young lady nailed it with the truth!

Which is the ONLY correct way to answer to such a broad loaded question!


It’s always tradition in the Miss America pageant to ask some hard hitting questions to test the knowledge of the contestant. Last night, Miss South Carolina, Daja Dial, got a tough question that her own state has had to deal with in very real ways.

The judges asked her the following question:
“Do you support a ban on military-style assault weapons?”

** First the mass media some years ago created the " term Assault weapons " -
Such a term for rifles did not exist in military, or manufacturing, or in common weapons terms -

Any weapon can be classified as either " assault or defensive " the term is not needed in the description of a weapon! Most generally the use of a weapon has been understood through out history! But some butter lipped Liberal news people have decided that it sounded far more omnibus to call a rifle " assault " to make it sound bad.

" Military - style " be would only be the case if and when used by actual military forces - but would not exclude the use by all others...

Because all weapons can be used to either attack or to defend, then weapons is the broad classification of instruments used for such purposes - that it blows the whole concept of the question ask!

Weapons are and have been used by people throughout history, both military and none military..

This would cover everything from rocks, arrows, spear, knives, swords, bows, slings, firearms, cannons, ships, bombs, garages, planes, missiles, etc.... Got it?.

And here was her response:
“If we teach people the proper way to use guns, then we will reduce the risk of having gun-related accidents. It starts with education.”

This is the only, sane and truthful answer to such a politically loaded question!

People on Twitter basically went crazy:
Some called it “common sense”:
Others were just excited that she nailed the answer:
Some fans called it “epic”:

Miss Daja Dial did not win the pageant, but she was a front-runner in the end. Better luck next year, Miss South Carolina!

Miss South Carolina Blew Everyone's Collective Minds With Her Answer About the 2nd Amendment
"Do you support a ban on military-style assault weapons?"|By Conor Swanberg

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