Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Negative effect of Integration for whom?

Interrogation should only have applied to every race or ethnic group. Not the piece meal way it was doled out thru the Congress of the USA! It was more a placation and way to win votes to keep politicians in office much like it has in recent years.

Date:   6/19/2021 2:46:21 AM   ( 4 y ) ... viewed 824 times

Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

The negative effect of Integration!

Interrogation should only have applied to every race or ethnic group. Not the piece meal way it was doled out thru the Congress of the USA! It was more a placation and way to win votes to keep politicians in office much like it has in recent years. Because then there would not have been all the past over 50 years of racial tension problems!

Date: 7/18/2020
... viewed 316 times

Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator

What happened to Integration?

** We need to get over thinking we can control everything and most of all people!

Date: 6/6/2020 viewed 93 times

Don't shoot the messenger! I only report the truth - it is others who distort it or then fail to accept it!

Going back to the 1960s, when the segregation laws were being removed in the USA under LBJ; only new Interrogation Laws which should have been applied unbiased - across the board to anyone and everyone, to all citizens everywhere - period! Regardless of race, or Nationality based upon which areas of the world from which they had come!

Interrogation should only have applied to any and all races every or ethnic groups. Because then there would not have been all the over 50 years of racial tension problems in the USA!

Because once you recognized the problem and eradicated any and all the segregation laws; then that should have put an end to any and all segregation period - forever!

But No! Political crap prevailed so it did not happen! - Liberal Political parties came on saying - there had to be some equity {or get even politics} adjustment as a form of both punishment and/or reprisal for all the slavery issues of the past over 150 years! It only seemed fair! Yet it only stirred the fires of hate!

But in fact, it grew into a scheme where the new laws then placed the Black groups in certain special places of preferace and with more special opportunities! So that In place of a total integration - it became reverse segregation with special options for Blacks whom ever! This just caused continued racial tensions of the past 50 odd years!

With many " Black " only activities! The list is long with many things still in force today! It should never have been law to have special {any Race Only} thing! We need to get over thinking we can control everything with a special application of laws for almost everything!

If we had just eliminated completely the idea of any racial special groups -
there would not be " Black or White " or whomever or any other thing! It would have and should have been one nation under God! With no racial discrimination or posting, just plain American citizens - Period!

That is why we are still fighting the slavery issue and perusing a lost cause! Because the only real answer is a fair, and complete integration without the type of special racial classes in the nation! No special preference for any and all just plain American citizens!

But certain people had to put their 2 cents worth, to supposedly make everyone happy! But it did not work and is not working - in fact it is getting worse and intensifying!

Let's stop being {whatever color or groups orientated} just because someone wants to have special racial privileges!- ETC!

We need to get over thinking we can control everything and most of all people! Citizenship should be free and fair for all people, regardless of Race, Color or Creed!

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