Higher Orders of "Onions"
"As Above So Below" does not equal the television series "Upstairs Downstairs".
Date: 3/17/2016 7:41:18 AM ( 9 y ) ... viewed 1570 times Omraam created an analogy of heart, mind, soul and spirit likened unto maid, butler, mistress and master (respectively) who all live in the same "house" being our own body-temple.[1]
In the Omraam account the master (spirit) or both master and mistress (spirit and soul) can leave the house. I tend to think that it is the "maid" and the "butler" who leave the presence of the "master" and the "mistress". I would present that in an outer form likened unto "Upstairs Downstairs" but upgraded to level that "Upstairs" is where a true Master lives.
I have seen follies of "heart and mind" without their master play out through the E.G.O./Enchanted Garden Onion to such an extent that I have never needed to watch any film or television stories!
18th -
With my Human Design (including Gate 12) and through additional astrological perspectives I am continually directing my thoughts toward the ideal. I'm absolutely convinced of the need for "Higher Orders" and I see these requiring us to lift up out thoughts. Otherwise "gravity" works on the mind to drag it down in distorted thinking. Now we have a list of types of distorted thinking and I believe I've seen them all at play at E.G.O.
One of these types is called "Fallacy of Change": "You expect that other people will change to suit you if you just pressure or cajole them enough."[2] This style of distorted thinking has been actively demonstrated to me over the last couple days.
19th -
More wisdom from Omraam:
"... Weaknesses must be put to work: they have to make themselves useful. The problem is the same for every form of vice and every failing, whether it be greed, sexual sensuality, violence, covetousness or vanity: you have to know how to enroll their energies in the service of your own cause, how to get them to work with you towards your chosen goal. If you work alone you will never succeed. If you banish all your enemies, everything that stands up to you, who is going to work for you? Who will serve you?
Through great patience humans have tamed and domesticated several different kinds of wild animals which are now very useful to them. Horses used to be wild and dogs were as savage as wolves, and if humans were able to domesticate them it was because they had developed certain inner qualities. Humans are also capable of taming and domesticating the wild beasts within ..."[3]
And while reading the LinkedIn profile of a new inquirer who is a counselor I thought that the Enchanted Garden Onion could use an onsite counselor to work with each member.
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect -
I had spontaneous thinking on this Law earlier. I wonder now whether Einstein's statement regarding the universality of thoughts applies in this instance because then I later (a moment ago) found the following Omraam message on the same Law!:
"The first point of cosmic moral law ... was the law of cause and effect. This is the law that states that we reap only what we have sown ... it was drawn from the lesson of agriculture. ... just as we are obliged to sort the good from the bad, on the physical level, and choose some things and discard others, we have to exercise the same discrimination in respect to thoughts and feelings and accept some and reject others."[4]
The Law of cause and effect tells me that I can trust in its operation without intervening. Like the law of gravity - I don't have to force anything to fall down to the ground. The law assures that things will fall when they are dropped from any height off the ground. Although The law of cause and effect may not appear to operate as swiftly as the law of gravity does I nevertheless understand that through my ongoing and long term observations that include the examples in "agriculture".
One of the reasons I have high esteem for Biodynamic Agriculture is that it is probably the most all-inclusive of the causes that are in effect in each agricultural entity be it a farm, garden or simply a compost pile!
June 3rd -
From "Journey with Omraam":
"... The sun is the centre of the solar system and the planets move harmoniously in orbit around it, and it is this harmonious movement of the planets round the sun that must be duplicated by our own cells."[5]
[1] http://with-omraam.com/story-heart-mind-soul-spirit-part-55/
[2] See #12 at:
[3] http://with-omraam.com/rules-spiritual-alchemy/
[4] http://with-omraam.com/thoughts-feelings-living-beings/
Especially read: "Thoughts are living beings"
[5] http://with-omraam.com/discoveries-initiates-simple-language/
heart, mind, soul, spirit, story telling, master
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