Natural Law & Organic Laws Support "Raw Milk Freedom Riders"
Chef Jem comments at Raw Milk Freedom Riders and The Bovine
Date: 7/23/2012 9:04:59 PM ( 13 y ) ... viewed 2571 times Posted at Raw Milk Freedom Riders:
Thank you Freedom Riders!
This mission deserves all the support that we can give it! I am offering my best now in the form of the truth regarding the Organic Laws of the United States of America. "It’s time to go organic — the Organic Laws of the United States of America. Learn all four: the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777, the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 and the Constitution of September 17, 1787, but reject the last two.":
By learning the Organic Law and understanding government: you can "HAVE YOUR FREEDOM AND GET YOUR WAY":
In the "Articles of Confederation" you can learn your true status as a "free inhabitant", one who is not under the exclusive legislative authority of the United States whereas identifying only with "the Constitution of September 17, 1787" will result in the most inferior status of "citizen of the United States", one who is under the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the United States. This is why you were not taught the Organic Laws in all your years of government indoctrination (aka education)!
Time to go Organic!
~Chef Jem
Update August 12, '12 -
"The natural law remedy to tyranny as expressed by hundreds of scholars over thousands of years, is disobedience.":
Update July 31, 2012 -
The Summer issue of Wise Traditions has a letter by Mark McAfee addressed to the CDC that has captured my attention for the last couple hours. I hope that it will be posted at
In the meanwhile you can find that Mark shares much of the spirit of that letter at David Gumpert's site:
Now reading: "The Safety of Raw versus Pasteurized Milk" a chapter from "Ron Schmid's book The Untold Story of Milk: Green Pastures, Contented Cows and Raw Dairy Products:
Ron says:
"Legal issues surrounding the raw milk controversy are complex and many of their ramifications are beyond the scope of this book."
I believe the lion's share of the "complexity" is deliberately intended and that it is intended and according to the business nature of the legal realm. However, the confusion and the overwhelm that may typically result from a personal legal "confrontation" (especially when it involves the federal government) can be greatly alleviated when one is introduced to the truth about the Organic Laws.
Back to Ron: "But we’ll consider a number of practical questions. Is the alleged evidence about the dangers of raw milk so strong that the government should prohibit
its being sold or even given away, as indeed has occurred in some states and countries?"
That is a genuinely well-stated question! My reply is that based on the Organic Laws, government has absolutely no delegated authority (and therefore no business) concerning itself with prohibiting the free flow of milk in commerce.(1)
"Even more fundamental, does our constitutional
government have the right to make laws outlawing a food that has sustained much of humanity throughout recorded history?"
Addressing the constitutionality of government is why we urgently need to know and understand the Organic Laws and a few secrets that government does not want the American people to know. Because as soon as we know we will realize that government absolutely does not have the right to make any such "law".
(1) "The purpose of the commerce clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) was to create a free trade zone among the American states, by preventing one state from restricting sales of products from other states, or imposing duties for passing through or into a state." (Federalist papers, No. 42) "The Lawful Remedy to Tyranny" by Richard Walbaum
Update August 16, 2012-
Comment at the Bovine Blog:
after watching the video "Liz Reitzig talks raw milk on Infowars" from
Thank You, Liz and all of you at Infowars!!
If I were in DC and confronted by any agent there I'd immediately inform them that I am not one of their federal citizens (who are subject to their exclusive jurisdiction) and that any further attempts to delay, detain, arrest, interfere, etc. with my exercise of my God-given natural born inalienable and unalienable Rights will immediately be considered as their express agreement to be held personally responsible and fully liable for all infringements upon my sovereign Rights, to the absolute fullest extent of the Law, without any recourse and and without the United States!
Without Prejudice,
Chef Jem
"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth":
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